Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 154 You Are Deliberately Extorting!

Xia Ruo brought Bo Siyu back to the farm, and performed an operation on him in the room where Shi Kang and Shi Kang were usually given acupuncture.

First use gold needles to stop the bleeding and then suture the wound.

She deliberately didn't use the treatment robot and didn't administer anesthesia, which made Bo Siyu break out in cold sweat.

But this guy is also a very patient person, he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, if it wasn't for his pale face and sweat-soaked clothes, it wouldn't be obvious that he was enduring pain.

After the operation, Xia Ruo made an ointment for him to stick on the wound, and prepared a bottle of medicine for him to take.

"Your wound has corrosive toxins. I have already cleaned up the corroded areas for you. Ointments and potions have the effect of detoxification and healing." Will mess up the treatment.

She continued meaningfully: "It's a good thing that you met me today, otherwise news of you becoming a waste may spread in a few days!"

Bo Siyu also found that the thing that attacked him was poisonous, but he didn't expect it to be so serious. His face darkened slightly, "Please help me put the poison that has been cleaned up!"

"Also, what do you mean by waste material?" He asked with a pale face.

Xia Ruo knew that he was going to use these poisons for research, so she put them in a glass bottle and put them next to him, "If you don't clean up the poison in time, once the incubation period of three to seven hours is up, it will seep into your whole body along your skin."

"Then the destruction erodes your mental power. After about three days, your mental power will plummet and you will no longer be able to use it."

"The person who chased you was quite poisonous, but I think your wound is not caused by a sharp weapon, but rather like a claw. It's better to be careful when you go out in the future. If you don't meet me, you will be useless! "

Bo Siyu frowned, "The mental power has plummeted and cannot be used? Isn't that the same as Feng Yan?"

Xia Ruo was not surprised that he knew Feng Rogue, "Although the toxins in you are different, the results are similar. As for whether there is any connection, I don't know."

She said confidently and arrogantly: "But you are luckier than him, and you met me before the poison penetrated into your body."

Bo Siyu said speechlessly: "You have already said it just now!"

Xia Ruo clasped her hands together, "I just remind you again to let you remember my kindness to you!"

Bo Siyu raised his eyebrows, "Don't you want to use energy stones as a reward? Isn't it true that doctors don't like to use favors to pay for treatment?"

"That's for others! Besides, I didn't look at your wound carefully in the car before. How do I know that your situation is so special?"

Xia Ruo smiled and said, "I really don't like to use favors to pay for treatment, so you can redeem this favor with another 20 energy stones."

"..." Bo Siyu wanted to be rude. It was the first time he was so blatantly blackmailed at his age. This woman was not ordinary.

"Why? We negotiated the number of energy stones for the reward before." He quit.

Xia Ruo hooked her lips, "You need to apply ointment for two days and drink medicine for two days to remove all the residual poison in your body and leave no hidden dangers. Is this enough reason?"

"You!" Bo Siyu almost vomited blood in anger, "You are blackmailing on purpose!"

Xia Ruo nodded, "That's right! I'm just blackmailing you, you can choose to die."

Pointing to the bottle, "The poison on your body is here, hurry up and let someone take it back and study it to see if I lied to you. Otherwise, you will miss tomorrow's plaster and potion, and your mental power will definitely be affected." , then you can’t blame me.”

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