Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 157 It's a Good Idea to Fight Well

After Bo Siyu finished his meal, the young man who had been here before appeared in the room.

He said respectfully and apologetically, "Young Master, the mission you assigned has failed!"

Bo Siyu took a sip of tea, "Did anyone get caught?"

"When our people passed by, they were taken away first by another group of mysterious people, and we didn't catch up!" The young man lowered his head and replied.

Bo Siyu narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully: "It seems that there are people behind them!"

Being able to snatch people away under his nose, it seems that the energy is not small.

"Any clues?"

The man sent a document, "We suspect that Feng Sanshao was ambushed and poisoned by the betrayal line before, and he should be involved with the person who attacked you."

Bo Siyu looked through the information, but there wasn't much useful stuff, but this clue was enough.

"Has the poison I tested for you come out?"

The man nodded, and handed over another document, "It has been tested, and this is the test report!"

"This medicine has an incubation period of three to seven days. If it gets into the body during this time, it will seriously damage the mental power, making it impossible to use it anymore, and the ability can no longer be used."

"Although the poison was detected to be different from that of Feng Sanshao, its properties are very imaginable. It is most likely a conspiracy by the Starry Sky Beast Alliance!"

Bo Siyu tapped the table lightly with his fingers, "Feng Yan is the son of the leader, the heir of the first battle group, and I am the son of the chairman, the heir of the second battle group. We are both double S-level three-line superpowers, if They have all changed from geniuses to useless materials whose mental power cannot be used, and the Federation is bound to cause panic."

"The heirs of the First Battle Group and the Second Battle Group are bound to change again, which will have a great impact on the Federation."

He snorted coldly: "It's a good idea for them to fight!"

However, Xia Ruo was right about the efficacy of the medicine, and that woman really has a few brushes in medical skills.

"Is there an antidote to this poison?" He asked casually.

The man shook his head, "The research institute said that this poison is a new type of body fluid produced by devouring animals, and there is no way to prepare an antidote yet."

"An expert from the research institute recommended someone. Master Jiang Minyun has been studying this poison, and it is said that he hopes to prepare a similar antidote. Do I need to contact her?" he asked.

Young Master was poisoned like this, if he didn't get rid of it quickly, he might be mentally disabled like Feng San Shao in three days, and it would be even more difficult to get rid of the poison.

Bo Siyu's lips raised a playful arc, and instead of answering, he asked, "I asked you to check Xia Ruo before, did you find out that Feng Yan appeared on this farm?"

"That's right, there are few traces of Feng San's appearance, and there are quite a few." The man replied.

Bo Siyu played with the teacup, "There's no need to contact Jiang Minyun, someone will help me solve my poison. Recently, you have focused on Bai Qi's movements, as well as that woman and her family."

It seems that the suppression of Feng Yan's poison should also be Xia Ruo's handwriting. No wonder the leader and Jiang Minyun's engagement was broken, and it has never been mentioned again. It turned out to be this factor.

Where did Xia Ruo get such a great skill? He gave birth to a bit of inquiry.

"Yes!" The young and the young did not take the initiative to say, and the man would not take the initiative to explore.

Early the next morning, shortly after Bo Siyu woke up, people from the farm came over.

"Bai Shao, our boss asked if you want breakfast?"

Bo Siyu raised his eyebrows, "How many stars is breakfast?"

"Thirty thousand star coins, today our boss is cooking breakfast in the cafeteria himself, if you want to eat, you can go there." The man left after informing.

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