Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 160 Of course it's because of me

At noon, Xia Ruo opened a small stove for Bo Siyu. For the sake of the 50,000 star coins, she made three dishes, one soup and one dessert.

After Bo Siyu finished his meal, he could understand why Huo Tianhao and others praised Xia Ruo's dishes so much.

After eating the dishes made by her, I feel that I will not have any appetite at all if I go to other restaurants or at home to eat the dishes made from the original ingredients of the ancient earth!

Then Xia Ruo applied the medicine to Bo Siyu, and gave him another medicine.

Bo Siyu also handed over fifty energy stones to Xia Ruo as agreed before.

In the past, it was mainly because of the comparison of the treatment fee of old man Zhai, but it was not a loss to treat this kind of toxin that the Federation could not prepare an antidote for.

Otherwise, people who have nowhere to go to heal with energy stones will cry.

After taking the medicine, the two left the building together.

Bo Siyu looked at the farmland not far away and said meaningfully: "The plants on your farm grow very fast!"

When he got up today, he was surprised to find that the plants here had grown a bit. This kind of growth rate was unheard of or seen.

Xia Ruo didn't expect this guy to be so observant, and he discovered the biggest secret of the farm in just one night.

But I'm not going to hide it, otherwise these people will be more curious and probing.

"Do you know why I need energy stones as a reward?"

Bo Siyu reacted quickly, "You don't want to tell me that the plants here grow so fast are related to energy stones?"

Xia Ruo nodded: "I don't want to tell you, but this is the reason!"

"How did you do that?" Bo Siyu asked tentatively.

He had never heard of energy stones being able to give birth to plants before, otherwise experts from the Alliance Native Plant Research Institute must have discovered it long ago.

Xia Ruo chuckled: "Of course it's because of me!"

"My mother family is the ancient family. You should know that there are many methods and tricks for cultivation. Using energy stones to arrange a birth formation can accelerate the growth of plants, and it will not destroy the nutrition of plants, let alone any disadvantages. Hidden danger!"

Bo Siyu raised his eyebrows, "Is there such a formation? Is it inherited from the ancient earth?"

Xia Ruo nodded: "That's right! Just like my golden needle ancient medical skills, they are all inherited from the ancient earth period."

She found it really easy to use the mother clan to blame the blame.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Bo Siyu didn't have much doubt. Xia Ruo's ancient medical skills of golden needles were too miraculous. They were not inherited from her mother's clan, and it was impossible to learn them from other places.

"Your mother has never shown this before, but she is a powerful master of pharmacy." He sighed casually.

Xia Ruo's mother is a pharmacist who has made contributions to the alliance, and is also an ancient doctor, but she has never heard of any great achievements in ancient medicine, and she has never heard of being good at planting and food.

Xia Ruo found that this person was too smart, with extraordinary powers of observation and thinking, so he had to be careful when dealing with him.

She said proudly: "Inheriting ancient medical skills and planting methods requires special talents, and it happens that I am the only one who has qualified for so many years!"

Bo Siyu has also studied a lot of things from the ancient earth period. Inheriting medical skills seems to require talent, and not everyone can master or apply the knowledge of ancient medicine after learning it.

"Then it seems that you are very powerful!"

Xia Ruo smiled, "It's only natural!"

Bo Siyu found that this woman was super confident, but she did have that ability.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~~ There will be a big beauty appearing tomorrow~~~

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