Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1602 Just because she is Master Xia

It was soon shrouded in clouds and mist, and then a series of thunder and lightning fell on the mech.

"Ah!" Several painful screams came from the mech.

Everyone saw that a dozen or so mechas that had been jumping in mid-air fell to the ground one after another, and were surrounded by a layer of lightning, and some of them had a lot of sparks, which were obviously damaged.

Only Yun Fengyu's and Hoth's mechas seemed to be in relatively better condition, after all, their A-level high-quality biological mechas.

The two of them were not like the other twelve people, who were injured by the lightning penetration.

They were also attacked by lightning, but most of them were blocked by the mech isolation. They were not seriously injured but were injured.

The control of the mecha failed, and the thunder and lightning destroyed the console of the mecha, causing it to fail.

Among the dozen or so people, only Xia Ruo avoided the blue cloud by driving the mech.

Seeing Third Uncle and the others lose in one round, Xia Ruo was not too shocked. After all, this is a level 12 mutant beast, and its strength is completely at the top.

She activated the ability, and vines emerged from the ground, and then rolled up Yun Fengyu's and others' mechas and threw them into the golden mask.

Only in this way can she concentrate on fighting this high-level mutant beast.

She could feel that this guy was very strong, he should have entered the twelfth level for a long time, and he was still in the power of mutated lightning, so it was difficult to deal with.

But because of this, the fighting spirit in her eyes became stronger.

The mutant beast became even more angry, and a cloud of cyan clouds formed, covering its surroundings tightly, and then a series of powerful thunder and lightning fell, bombarding Xia Ruo's mecha with almost no gaps.

The people present trembled when they saw it, and some even closed their eyes, for fear of seeing Xia Ruo's mecha being blasted into pieces by lightning.

It really is that the thunder and lightning are too strong and dangerous, and with such a dense bombardment, no matter how agile and agile Xia Ruo's figure is, it is impossible to escape.

Seeing this, Yun Fengyu's eyes were red, and he quickly got out of the mecha, wanting to rush out of the mask to help.

However, it was bounced back by the mask.

No matter the people present or the people watching the live broadcast, their hearts were all pulled up.

A thought appeared in many people's minds, Master Xia might be doomed!

But no one expected that the mecha that Xia Ruo was driving disappeared in place out of thin air.

When it reappeared, it was just outside the area of ​​cloud, mist and lightning.

The people present were dumbfounded, and the people watching the live broadcast were also dumbfounded.

"What? Master Xia's mech is so fast? This seems to be teleportation, right?"

"Impossible, even S-level biological mechs can't teleport."

"Ability, this should be the teleportation derived from her space ability."

"Didn't you say that you need a king-level spatial ability user to teleport? She is only level eleven, how is that possible?"

There is also a king level above the twelfth level of supernatural beings, which is also the strongest and top existence.

However, there are very few king-level power users in the entire star field. Those present and those watching the live broadcast have heard that king-level space power users can teleport, but no one has seen it.

No one expected that Xia Ruo could teleport.

"Why is it impossible? Just because she is Master Xia, everything is possible!" Xia Ruofan is always so confident in her.

"That's right, just because she is Master Xia, others need king level to teleport, but she can teleport at eleventh level!"

"Yes, I just want to ask if you agree or not!"

"Admit, I only accept Master Xia, awesome!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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