Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1605 No More Proud Only the Most Prosperous

Xia Ruo was just scaring the mutant beast before.

"I see, but it's good to scare it away, otherwise we'll be in trouble!" Everyone was still a little terrified.

However, although the energy of this talisman has been exhausted, everyone is still very surprised by the power of this talisman.

To be able to seriously injure a level 12 mutant beast is simply amazing!

Another battle team leader asked: "Master Xia, is the magic pattern badge you used on the mecha before high-quality A-level? I have never seen such a powerful blessing function."

Blessed on the mecha, it can actually make the A-level mecha hurt the twelfth-level mutant beast. The effect of this magic pattern badge is not so good.

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "Well, this is made by my brother, and he hasn't released it to the public, so you haven't seen it!"

"Your brother is amazing!" The captain couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

The soldiers of their battle group are more in demand and concerned about three things, mechs, potions and magic pattern badges.

"Your dad is so good, he can even refine such a formation talisman!" Another captain couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, everyone was shocked by one thing, what is Xia Ruo's origin and background?

Dad was able to refine the spell formation talisman that seriously injured the twelfth-level mutant beast, and brother was able to create a level-a high-quality magic-weave badge with super-high blessing effects, which seems awesome!

Yun Fengyu had already guessed that the formation talisman that Xia Ruo took out was made by his eldest brother, and said with a smile: "Okay, Ruoruo is very tired from fighting just now, let her rest for a while!"

"Yes, Master Xia, take a rest!" Everyone nodded immediately.

At this time, everyone's recognition of Xia Ruo is not only for divination and medical skills, but also for strength and combat power.

Especially the group of soldiers in the battle group looked at Xia Ruo with admiration in their eyes.

Xia Ruo didn't go to rest immediately, but looked at those eleventh-level supernatural beings who had been injured before.

Then one person gave a bottle of A-level recovery potion, and one of the healing pills.

After getting the A-level recovery potion, everyone was a little confused.

"It's too precious, can I keep it for later?" A mercenary was reluctant to drink it. They couldn't usually buy it, and they couldn't bear to buy it. It was too expensive.

Several mercenaries thought the same way, they couldn't bear to drink it!

Now I feel that it is wasteful to drink it, it is too wasteful!

Xia Ruo laughed: "You should drink it, you have to recover your injuries and combat strength as soon as possible, otherwise what will you do if there are high-level mutant beasts attacking again?"

"After drinking, I'll give it to you when you need it!" She said generously.

"..." Several people twitched the corners of their mouths. Why did the potion they were reluctant to drink come to Master Xia's mouth, and it seemed worthless?

"Ahem!" A mercenary coughed dryly and asked, "Master Xia, do you have a channel to buy this potion?"

Otherwise, it would be one bottle per person, plus what she gave to the same group before, it seems that there are almost twenty bottles.

This is too proud...

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "I didn't buy it. My dad gave it to me before I came. I gave more than a hundred bottles, and I can't use it up myself!"

"..." Everyone was stunned, it turns out that there is no more hero but only the most hero.

More than a hundred bottles of such A-level recovery potions, how many energy stones do you get!

The problem is that there are energy stones that may also be available in the market.

Emotional master Xia is not only awesome, but also has a rich father!

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