Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1607 Can't stand this gap

Xia Ruo wasn't tired, so she did a divination and asked everyone to go back to the tent to rest. If there was nothing to do tonight, she dragged the mutant thunder-attributed beast into her tent.

At the same time, Miao Ao and Qiu Shu were called in.

Miao Ao went in and looked at the mutated beast on the ground and knew what Xia Ruo was going to do.

"You want to extract its genes and fuse them into biological materials?"

Xia Ruo nodded: "I already have a plan, and I feel that the possibility of success is very high, I just need your help."

Miao Ao hooked his lips, "No problem!"

He also wanted to see if Xia Ruo could succeed.

Qiu Shu was a little confused, "You mean to make materials for mutant animal genes?"

"Yes, we already have a research direction, but I don't know if you are interested?" Xia Ruo asked with a smile.

She needs one or two material masters to help, otherwise the process will be more troublesome.

Qiu Shu's eyes sparkled, "Of course I'm interested!"

She is most interested in materials science. She was unable to work in the company to avoid suspicion, and finally became a master of materials by herself, because she also has a persistent research heart.

Then she changed the topic: "However, if I rely on myself alone, there may be some shortcomings. The materials I refined in the past were mainly in heavy industry and weapons, and I lacked experience in mechs."

"In this case, our progress may slow down." Xia Ruo rubbed her chin.

Qiu Shu looked at her, thought for a while and said, "Hoth's professional level is higher than mine. He has participated in the research and refinement of many advanced mecha materials."

She didn't have a good impression of the few people in the group, but she didn't feel disgusted with Hoss. The other party's professional level was very high, and she should be able to help Xia Ruo, so she would bring it up.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Then I'll ask him if he's interested, and if so, let's start researching it."

"Okay!" Qiu Shu had no objection, and Miao Ao's material level was average, and she wanted to speed up the progress, so she didn't object either.

Xia Ruo walked out of the tent and went straight to the area where the group rested.

Because such a big thing happened tonight, everyone has no sleepiness, and many people are still sitting outside, either chatting or staring blankly.

The three of Shi Fan surrounded Yanxiu in a protective manner.

Huos sat not far from them, but there was no communication during the whole process. He was fiddling with the stone that Fu Hang had picked up earlier.

Xia Ruo walked up to him, "Captain Huo, do you have time for a chat?"

Hoss looked up with surprise in his eyes, obviously surprised that Xia Ruo would talk to him.

He stood up and said, "Okay!"

The two walked towards an open space not far away.

Yan Xiu looked at the back of the two leaving, her eyes were full of haze, but she quickly covered it up.

She said, "Does Xia Ruo want to poach our captain as well?"

Wen Yuang had deliberately distanced himself from them, obviously wanting to leave the group, and stayed by Xia Ruo's side. If Huos was pulled away by Xia Ruo again, there would be only four of them left.

Yanxiu has always been surrounded by excellent suitors or friends since she was a child. If it was the past, she should have all the limelight like the live broadcast, but now Xia Ruo has snatched them all.

Even Wen Yuang, who was originally devoted to her, betrayed her, which made her unable to bear this gap.

Although Hoss usually doesn't show anything special to her, nor is she her flower protector, but she doesn't want him to be drawn by Xia Ruo.

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