Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1609 I don't know who gave her the courage

Walking to the open space, Xia Ruo and Huos stopped.

Xia Ruo said straight to the point: "Captain Huo, I have a material research here, and I want to ask if you are interested."

Huoss didn't expect Xia Ruo to find himself for this, he smiled and asked: "Can I ask what material research it is?"

"A study on the fusion of mutant animal genes into bio-mech materials. I have already prepared all the data here, and I will send it to you for a look?" Xia Ruo said.

Huos was stunned, a little surprised that Xia Ruo actually wanted to fuse the genes of mutant beasts into materials, but he became interested, "Okay!"

If it were someone else, he would definitely snort and smile. It is not like no one has done it before, but it has all failed.

The Central Star Biological Research Institute has previously announced that this kind of research will not be successful, it is not feasible at all, and it also violates the principles and laws of the development of biological mechs.

Therefore, a rule prohibition was also announced, and the mech masters were not allowed to study this area in the future.

But I didn't expect Xia Ruo to bring out this failed research now.

In view of the fact that she successfully researched the bio-intelligent mecha that the Bio-Mecha Research Institute also failed to research, he didn't think she was whimsical.

In addition, he wanted to make friends with Xia Ruo, so he agreed to read the information.

He doesn't need to be serious in what he usually does, but he has high requirements for his profession. If Xia Ruo's data is unreliable, even if he wants to make friends with her, he will decline.

The two added terminals to each other, and Xia Ruo sent the data and information he had sorted out to Hoth.

If Xia Ruo wants to study the genetic biological material of mutant beasts, then she is not going to cover it up, so when the live broadcast camera falls on them, she has no objection.

Otherwise, if you tell Uncle San, the assistant director will also switch the camera.

Hoss looked at the information, and the people watching the live broadcast were stunned.

No one thought that Xia Ruo came to Huos to study this kind of project.

Shi Fan laughed on the spot and said: "This is whimsical. The Central Star Biological Mecha Research Institute has long listed this kind of project as one of the most unreliable projects, and research is also prohibited. She really thinks that she is a mecha genius. Can the research be successful?"

Yan Xiu grasped this point, "If Xia Ruo does this, is he deliberately and publicly violating the ban of the Bio-Mech Research Institute?"

The news that Xia Ruo refused the invitation of the Bio-Mech Research Institute and was blocked by the research institute was not made public because it involved face and various factors.

Only the upper echelons of the mecha world know about this, while the upper echelons and the general public in other fields do not know about it.

So Yanxiu suddenly felt a kind of gloating, Xia Ruo actually wanted to fight against the Bio-Mech Research Institute by himself.

You must know that the Institute of Biological Mecha is the leader of the entire mecha industry in the star field, Xia Ruo is going to cut off the way out of his profession!

Upon hearing this, Shi Fan immediately nodded and said: "Yes! I don't know who gave her the courage to deliberately and openly oppose the Bio-Mech Research Institute and openly violate the ban of the Institute."

As for the genius mecha master, don't you know what will happen if you anger the biological mecha research institute?

At this moment, he couldn't help but admire Xia Ruo's ability to kill.

The viewers of the live broadcast were also divided into three groups, one group naturally supported Xia Ruo unconditionally, fans who were as confident as she was mysterious.

One faction opposed it, thinking that Xia Ruo should not openly violate the ban of the Bio-Mech Research Institute, and since it is a project that will eventually fail in research, why waste time and energy, is this really for show?

There is also a neutral faction, they don't speculate on the process, they just want to wait for the result.

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