Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1612 The painting style changes suddenly

The little white mutant beast in the front was stared at by Xia Ruo with bright eyes. For some reason, she felt a chill down her back.

"Roar!" It got angry immediately, and rushed towards the crowd with the mutated beast here with a roar.

Its father is dead, and if it wants to compete with its uncles for the position of successor king, it has to make a record first.

That's why he brought the cubs who messed with it and the team left by his father to attack these humans.

It knows that there are two important people in this group, and one of them has something that even the ancestors want. As long as it is caught, it will be rewarded by the ancestors when it is rewarded, which will be of great help to its cultivation and advancement.

Many of the people present put on mechas to deal with the mutant beasts rushing over.

Xia Ruo said: "The big ones are slaughtered, and these little bastards are left to me."

The people present didn't know what Xia Ruo was going to do, but they didn't refute her intention.

So he drove the mecha directly to avoid the cubs rushing up, but met the mutant beasts of different levels behind.

This kind of behavior also made the cubs of the mutant beast confused. What kind of rhythm is this?

But soon they became even more excited. This human being is too arrogant to deal with so many of them by himself. Isn't this sent to the door for them to catch?

So under the order of the leader, all the cubs surrounded Xia Ruo, planning to clean her up and knead her before taking her back.

Seeing Xia Ruo surrounded by hundreds of cubs, the others were speechless.

No one was too worried about her safety, after all, she was a fierce fighter who could fight against level 12 mutant beasts.

Of these cubs, the highest level is the leader, which has ten levels, and the others are all six to nine levels, and their overall strength is not high.

Of course, if they were placed on other desolate stars, these little brats could reach such a high level, and their bloodlines would definitely be among the best, which is why the mercenary sighed.

Then, the leading white mutant roared, and all the cubs rushed towards Xia Ruo.

Just when everyone thought that Xia Ruo would teleport or attack the cubs, they saw that she took out a small whistle hanging around her neck from her collar.

Then she blew the whistle, with a more rhythmic beat.

"Plop! Plop!"

A stupefied scene happened, one after another, the ferocious-looking cubs fell to the ground one after another before they could pounce on Xia Ruo.

The most eye-catching scene was that after these little brats were transferred to the ground, their ferocious gaze instantly became gentle.

Looking at Xia Ruo's eyes, there was a kind of creepy affinity.

What kind of rhythm is this, the painting style has changed...

Xia Ruo has ss-level mental power, with a chaotic soul, and the effect of the rhythm can be superimposed.

This whistle was made by her sister, and it was infused with the natural ability to be compatible with beasts, as well as Tianfeng's blood essence, plus the whistle of animal taming, these cubs' mental power is not as stable as that of adult mutant beasts, So all were temporarily domesticated.

Next, it needs to be completely domesticated, but that's not what Xia Ruo can do, and it needs to be done by her sister.

Xia Ruo walked up to the little white cub, picked it up, and scratched its chin.

The leader of the little cub who was originally fierce, suddenly looked like a good baby. He not only scratched its chin for Xia Ruo, but also rubbed his head against it.

I don't know why, but this woman has an aura that it likes very much, like a mother's embrace.

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