Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1619 I'm going to tear my face apart

After Xia Ruo finished speaking, after a divination, she continued to lead her on the way.

On the way, they encountered another attack from mutant beasts. This time, the mutant beasts mainly harassed Xia Ruo and Yanxiu.

In particular, Yanxiu was attacked by a large number of mutant beasts every time, and there were even sneak attacks by eleventh-level mutant beasts. It was very difficult for Shi Fan and the others to protect her if they wanted to capture her.

The mechas of the three were all damaged, and they were even injured when they were shot through the mechas.

If it weren't for the protection of the eleventh-level mercenaries invited by the battle group elite and Yun Fengyu, the three of them would have struggled even more, and Yan Xiu might be taken away.

All three of Fu and Hang were injured, and Yanxiu was the weakest.

When resting at night, several people looked a little embarrassed.

Seeing Yanxiu's pale face, and the consumption of supernatural energy and mental energy, Shi Fan couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Xiuxiu, are you okay?"

Yanxiu's face was not very good-looking, but she squeezed out a smile, and said meaningfully: "Brother Shi, I'm fine. I should be fine after recovering for one night. I'm afraid that there will be another night attack by a mutant beast tonight. I won't be able to recover. drag you down."

"Why is it a drag, don't worry we will protect you." He reached out and patted her hand gently.

Then he changed his mind, and said to Xia Ruo in a tone that should be taken for granted: "Master Xia, the few of us used up a lot of fighting against mutant beasts before, can you give some medicine to let us recover?"

Those mutated beasts didn't know why, a lot of their attacks in the past two days rushed towards Xiuxiu. Their protection consumed a lot of combat power and was injured, so he was very annoyed at this moment.

"Am I familiar with you guys? I don't owe you anything, I need medicine to solve it myself!" Xia Ruo was a little speechless, this guy was too out of touch.

Shi Fan's face darkened, "Are you targeting us on purpose? Will you give it to others or not to us?"

Xia Ruo glanced at him lightly, "Idiot!"

This guy feels more and more brainless, no wonder the traces of the impact of the luck stone are the most obvious on his body.

Shi Fan didn't expect Xia Ruo to scold him, "Who are you talking about?"

Xia Ruo is not afraid of him at all, "I said you are an idiot, do you understand? I don't understand, let me repeat it to you again?"

This person just feels so good about himself that he really thinks he is Young Master Shi of the central star.

"You!" Shi Fan choked.

"What are you, if you say you are an idiot, you are an idiot!" Yun Fengyu's face was also not good, this guy wanted to take his niece's stuff for nothing.

"I think you are not only an idiot, but also a brain-dead!"

Shi Fan's face was blue with anger, and he pointed at Xia Ruo and Yun Fengyu with trembling fingers, "Is there any ulterior relationship between you, I just said one thing, Mr. Yun, you just defend Xia Ruo like that."

The more he thought about it, the more he felt so.

Yun Fengyu is very considerate and considerate of Xia Ruo, it is not like treating a guest at all, but like a little lover.

"Mr. Yun, why did you change your taste? You don't like male faces and you like red faces?" He was still remembering Yun Fengyu's face-smacking before, so he took advantage of it.

Hearing what he said, the faces of many people present changed.

Fu Hang and Liang Zheng looked at each other, and at the same time, a thought arose in their hearts, trouble!

Yun Fengyu has been rumored to have an affair with a male celebrity, but it doesn't mean that he is really gay. Besides, even if he is, Shi Fan will definitely tear his face when he says it in public.

What's more, this guy is really out of his mind, and even dragged Xia Ruo into it.

Not to mention the people in the second group, even the saliva of the soldiers of the battle group and the audience might drown this guy.

The two of them pulled Yan Xiu back a few steps unconsciously, putting some distance away from Shi Fan.

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