Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1627 Now let's see how they end up

Grandpa Yun's Starblog shocked Central Star, and the popularity on the Internet soared again.

"Father Yun and Grandpa Yun are too domineering, they just want to do it!"

"The resin that can replace the existing A-level bio-mech materials, Father Yun deliberately exploded it, and let me, Master Xia, play with it at will. It feels like a face to some institutions, and it's so capricious!"

"Haha, it's good to be self-willed! I like Papa Yun more and more!"

"Grandpa Yun is very capricious, but he doesn't make potions for those who bully my granddaughter, and if he refuses to accept it, he will bear with me. Whoever let our family have a SS-level potion master, just don't care about you, why don't you drop it!"

"Haha, I really like Grandpa Yun too! The Yun family feels so loved!"

"I think the masters of a certain institution may want to squat in the corner and draw circles. Who would have thought that a small character who was blocked at will would have kicked the steel plate!"

"It's what they deserve, who made them act like they are superior all day long, as if they can control the fate of others."

"The masters who were banned in the past were all forced to leave the circle or compromise. They never expected to meet someone like me, Master Xia, who is awesome in himself and has an awesome background. Let's see how they end up now!"

This time the melons are getting bigger and bigger, and everyone's blood is boiling with excitement!

The Yun family supported Xia Ruo one after another in Xingbo, but the Biological Mecha Research Institute did not respond. They must still be thinking about countermeasures, otherwise, if one fails, it will cause huge losses.

On Huangxing's side, everyone saw the screenshots and comments of netizens in the live broadcast.

Everyone couldn't help admiring Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo's personal ability alone is already terrifying, and with such a strong background, such a strong and domineering elder, it is even more terrifying.

Those who offend her feel sad.

Her popularity soared again, and her aura of luck became even brighter.

Because of this, Shi Fan has received countless sympathetic looks in a day, and he is about to collapse. Is there an end to these people?

In addition to the netizens who unanimously scolded Shi Fan, there were also many netizens who scolded Yanxiu, which caused her luck to be weakened again.

Suffering another sneak attack from a high-level mutant beast on the road, Yanxiu did not hesitate to let the luck stone affect Liang Zheng who was beside her, and when the alien beast attacked, she stretched out her mecha hands and forced the mecha that Liang Zhen was driving. pushed out.

This time, five 11th-level mutated beasts raided Yanxiu, and the Liangzheng mecha that was pushed out was deformed by five high-level mutated beasts. He himself couldn't bear the force and was seriously injured. .

One of the mutated beasts had the fire ability. After his mecha was damaged, a large area of ​​his back was burned by the mutated beast's fire ability, and he almost fainted from the pain.

Fortunately, the eleventh-level mercenaries invited by Yun Fengyu came to the rescue, otherwise his little life would be played.

After killing the high-level mutant beast, Liang Zheng was also rescued from the mecha by the medical rescue team.

Seeing his miserable appearance, Fu Hang felt inexplicably cold, because he had watched Yan Xiu push Liang Zheng's mech out with his own eyes before.

His mind was also cleared up a lot, and most of his mind that had been confused by the luck stone was freed at once.

Fu Hang was able to wake up from this incident, and Liang Zheng, who was a victim, was even more so.

He felt his body was so weak for the first time, the burning pain from his back, the sweat dripping from his head and face, but his heart was icy cold.

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