Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1638 This is still life-threatening!

The night was relatively calm, and the mutated herd of beasts that would sneak attack from time to time did not appear, which made everyone feel a kind of uneasiness that was about to come.

After dawn, Xia Ruo walked out of the tent, holding the restless little white beast in her arms.

As soon as she came out, everyone else came out of their tents.

"Ruoruo, are you going to the island now?" Yun Fengyu asked.

Xia Ruo thought about it for a while and said, "Let someone cook first, and then serve after eating and drinking."

"..." Hearing this, everyone felt as if they were about to go to the execution ground.

But no one objected, Yun Fengyu immediately went to make arrangements.

Although everyone didn't have much appetite, they still tried their best to eat as much as possible. Master Xia said that only after eating and drinking can they have the strength to fight.

After resting for more than an hour, Xia Ruo said, "Let's go to Shanghuan Island."

Although she felt a sense of crisis of being targeted by something, she didn't panic. There was her father and the others behind her.

Hearing Xia Ruo's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, is it finally coming?

For them, boats are not needed to cross the river. Everyone got on the mecha, and then flew towards the roundabout.

"Everyone, be careful of the high-level mutant beasts in the river!" Xia Ruo reminded when flying the mecha up the river.

The others have also been vigilant all the time, and now they are more directly entering the state of preparation.

As Xia Ruo said, when the mechas of the group flew to a distance of one-third of the river, many high-level mutant beasts appeared from below to attack. The following are countless.

Fortunately, everyone has the experience to deal with it now, and with Xia Ruo's multi-party assistance, it took more than two hours to finally board the roundabout successfully.

However, a large number of people were injured this time. If Xia Ruo's superb medical skills were not there to support them, several of them would almost have gone to see Hades.

"Everyone recover quickly!" After boarding the roundabout, Xia Ruo was the first to take out a recovery elixir.

He took out some recovery potions and distributed a bottle to the echelons with relatively high combat effectiveness.

There is no way, now only by working together can we go out.

Everyone rested in place, and the doctors continued to treat the wounded. This time, Xia Ruo didn't participate, but spent all his time recovering.

About half an hour later, Xia Ruo, who was recovering from sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, opened her eyes and looked forward and said, "Here we come!"

There are no trees on this roundabout, it looks like a small deserted island, and the situation on it can be seen with the naked eye.

What's coming? Everyone curiously looked in the direction of Xia Ruo's gaze, and then a dazed look appeared in their eyes.

I saw the twelfth-level mutant beast that attacked them at the beginning, got out of the ground over there, and it seemed that its injuries had almost recovered.

It wasn't this that stunned them, but a few seconds after it came out, another mutant beast with the same size and similar appearance emerged from the ground on the left.

The coercive aura emanating from this mutant beast is not weaker than it at all, and even everyone feels stronger.

That is to say, two mutant beasts of level 12 popped up on the fucking roundabout all at once, which is still unbearable!

Everyone looked at Xia Ruo together, didn't they say that going around the island is the only way out? Two mutated beasts of level 12 suddenly appeared here. Is there any way for them to survive?

In the whole team, only Xia Ruo was able to deal with the twelfth-level mutant beasts. The problem was that they couldn't kill them because they were entangled. Now that there are two of them, can she still entangle them?

They didn't suspect that Xia Ruo's divination was wrong, but when they saw the two twelfth-level mutant beasts, they suddenly lost their minds.

The first time he looked at Xia Ruo with questioning eyes, he also regarded her as the backbone.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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