Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1640 Where is the promised weak chicken assistant?


The high-level mutant beast was unprepared, felt the danger and wanted to withdraw its claws but was a step too late. A burst of pain came from the claws, and he couldn't help screaming.

Seeing that the huge wind blade cut off one of the claws of the mutant beast, everyone present was dumbfounded!

None of them thought that Miao Ao's strength was so strong!

Yun Fengyu was equally astonished, and then he felt the breath released by Miao Ao, "He is a level 12 superhuman!"

Not only is it only at the twelfth level, but the aura it exudes is relatively deep. This person is definitely the strongest among the twelfth-level supernatural beings, otherwise it would be impossible to easily cut off the claws of the high-level mutant beasts.

"..." The stunned crowd twitched their mouths, where's the promised weak chicken assistant? Why don't you scare them like this!

No wonder this little assistant is usually so pushy and basically doesn't work. Except for Xia Ruo, he doesn't like to talk to others. It turns out that he is so awesome.

In the face of absolute strength, people who were not used to Miao Ao before suddenly felt that it should be taken for granted. The correct way to open up is to be cold and arrogant.

But I admire Xia Ruo even more in my heart, I didn't expect that she could even subdue such a strong person as an assistant.

Seeing how strong Miao Ao is, Xia Ruo curled her lips, this guy is really hiding something deep!

The paw that attacked her was slapped, and she disappeared in place, and then frantically threw a few talismans and array balls at the mutant beast.

"Boom!" Then the sounds of the talisman and the formation ball exploding sounded one after another, and the mutant beast that rushed over was left with many scars all over its body.

In Xia Ruo's hand, there was an extra sword with spatial abilities. After injecting the spatial abilities, she kept chopping off without giving the opponent a chance to react.

"Wow!" The high-level mutant beast that attacked Xia Ruo, before it had time to display its supernatural powers, was cut by Xia Ruo's sword energy, causing many wounds on its body, gushing out blood, and it also screamed.

This scene made everyone stunned again.

The emotional Xia Ruo was also hiding her strength before! These two are simply too shocking!

Miao Ao didn't expect Xia Ruo's offensive to be so fierce. Although she used external forces at first, the sword energy that hurt the mutant beast came from her own strength.

You must know that this woman is only an eleventh-level supernatural being, so she was able to challenge such a leapfrog level.

He raised his eyebrows again, "Why didn't you kill last time?"

Xia Ruo shrugged, "I was promoted at that time, and my strength was not stable yet, so I couldn't kill it!"

This is the truth, at that time she and the twelfth-level mutant beast couldn't do anything against each other.

But now that so many days have passed, she has not given up on her cultivation every day, and the formation acceleration disk and the pills to improve her cultivation are not in vain.

For the mutated beasts of the twelfth level, with the support of the talisman and the array ball given by her father, she can definitely kill one.

"Then let's see who will kill our opponent first?" Miao Ao's original casual attitude became more aggressive.

Every time he felt that he was stronger than Xia Ruo, he would always be surprised by this woman, he was not convinced!

Xia Ruo chuckled: "Why kill them? Wouldn't it be nice to capture them alive to extract genetically synthesized biological materials? Why waste them!"

"..." Miao Ao choked, it seemed that what the woman said made sense, and he couldn't even refute it, "Okay, let's compare who will be caught first!"

"Okay!" Xia Ruo also came with a strong fighting spirit, and she also wanted to use this high-level mutant beast to consolidate her strength and hone herself.

Calvin, continue at 11 o'clock~~

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