Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1642 Is this about to betray the Lord?

Yanxiu's mecha could no longer move when that huge force enveloped her, and she felt as if she was frozen.

She couldn't help shouting: "Brother Shi!"

The luck stone on his body also fluctuated violently.

Shi Fan had always loved Yanxiu, and with the influence of the Qi Luck Stone, he rushed towards her without even thinking about it.

Then he knocked away Yanxiu's mecha, and he himself was touched by the protruding tail.

Then everyone saw that Shi Fan's bio-mech began to deform, and then turned into a mass of scrap iron, which was whipped by the tail and landed in front of Xia Ruo's activated formation mask.

The eleventh-level supernatural being present couldn't help exclaiming, "King-level mutant beast!"

"What? It's a king-level mutant beast!" Everyone was shocked.

Yanxiu was hit by Shi Fan, and quickly accelerated the speed of the mecha, and rushed into the mask smoothly.

As soon as she entered the mask, her heart did not drop, and the sense of crisis that seemed to die at any time made her almost collapse.

She couldn't help but questioned Xia Ruo: "Didn't you say that you will be safe when you reach the roundabout? But why are there king-level mutant beasts? You obviously brought us to die."

If Xia Ruo hadn't brought them here, how could she have met a king-level mutant beast? All her previously suppressed emotions burst out.

The others were stunned. After spending so many days getting along and trusting each other, they didn't quite believe that Xia Ruo would bring everyone here to die.

Xia Ruo didn't pay attention to her, and didn't answer everyone's questioning looks. Instead, she quickly took out a few defensive symbols and slapped them on the ground, and the defensive mask was immediately blessed with several layers.

After her work was done, the whole earth trembled suddenly, more severe than the previous experience.

Then everyone saw that the ground except around the island was cracked and destroyed again, and a little bit of silver light appeared in front of them.

After everything outside the roundabout seemed to be overturned, a gigantic silver behemoth appeared before everyone's eyes.

Its appearance is very similar to the two twelfth-level mutant beasts trapped on the ground. It can be seen that it is of the same origin, but its size is dozens of times larger, and its eyes are so fierce that people dare not look directly at it.

The coercion emanating from it fell inadvertently. Except for Xia Ruo and Miao Ao, everyone else couldn't help but feel their whole body go limp and their backs tremble, as if they were frozen.

Xia Ruo looked at the king-level mutant beast that appeared, with a dignified expression but no panic, "It's still here!"

Miao Ao's originally indifferent expression and attitude restrained, and for the first time he felt a threat to his life.

"Are we still alive?" He looked solemnly, and couldn't help but look at Xia Ruo and asked.

They can deal with twelfth-level mutant beasts, but against king-level mutant beasts, that is not a level that can be challenged at all.

After crossing the king level, there is another level of life and strength. He can feel that this mutant beast can easily tear itself to pieces and kill it.

Xia Ruo's eyes were dark, "Yes!"

No matter what, this word injected a little hope into everyone who was already desperate.

After the figure of the mutated beast appeared, his eyes fell on Yanxiu first.

Yan Xiu could no longer maintain her mental strength to control the mecha, and she actively passed it out from inside, her face was pale and terrified, and she collapsed on the ground.

A voice suddenly sounded in Xia Ruo's sea of ​​consciousness, "Can you be my master?"

She was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized that the voice came from the luck stone on Yanxiu's body.

The corners of her lips had a slightly sarcastic arc, knowing that the king-level mutated beast was coming for it, Yanxiu couldn't protect herself, would she betray the Lord?

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ This plot is coming to an end, so it's a good card, it should be finished tomorrow~

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