Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1645 Father Yun is so handsome

Fearing that their battle would affect other people, Yun Fengyang deliberately took the king-level mutant beast away from here.

Seeing Yun Fengyang, who was fighting evenly with the king-level mutant beast in the distance, everyone present and watching the live broadcast were stunned.

"Director Yun is actually a king-level power user!"

"Oh my god! Yunda hides so deeply, when did he advance to the king rank?"

"As expected of my male god, it's too fierce!"

"Ahh! Papa Yun is so handsome!"

After being stunned, there were all kinds of worship shouts.

Yun Fengyang was fighting with that king-level mutant beast, and he still had some disadvantages in the opponent's territory.

As soon as the king-level mutant beast was sucked, a trace of energy from the desolate star was replenished into its body, making it continuously strengthened.

It not only has the supernatural ability of thunder and lightning, but also the blessing of the supernatural ability of the wind system, which is very like a fish in water.

Fortunately, Yun Fengyang also possesses the ability of space, the ability to tear apart space cracks and devour opponents, and this has been maintained.

A moment later, two other figures appeared on the battlefield.

Yun Jing didn't drive the mecha, and his hands kept making seals, and four phantoms suddenly appeared in the four directions, Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Suzaku.

It's just that they secretly started to arrange it with the invisibility amulet before.

The phantom began to solidify little by little, making the king-level mutant beast feel a sense of crisis.

While it was fighting Yun Fengyang, it used supernatural powers to attack the four phantoms.

At this time, Feng Yan drove the mech to bombard it continuously, and avoided its attack with various tricky movements, preventing it from attacking the four phantoms again and again.

Seeing this, Xia Ruo also rushed out, using space powers and wood powers to make trouble.

Miao Ao also rushed out with a fighting spirit, making trouble from the other side.

Although the strength of the few people was lower than that of the king-level mutant beasts, with Yun Fengyang as the main restraint, they still played a big role in making trouble.

At least let it have no time to care about those four phantoms.

The crowd stared blankly, no one expected that they would be so courageous that they would take the initiative to fight fiercely.

After a while, the four phantoms were completely solidified, and Yun Jing shouted: "Dad, you can act now!"

Yun Fengyang nodded, and in his hand there was an extra seal with an ancient aura, and then he threw it into the sky to suppress the king-level mutant beast.

The four phantoms also completely formed a four-element formation, and invisible spiritual power ropes appeared one after another, weaving them into a big net to entangle the king-level mutant beasts.

Yun Fengyang continuously poured spiritual power into the seal, which also made the seal grow bigger, and then pressed straight towards the king-level mutant beast.

"Ho Ho Ho!" The king-level mutant beast had a stronger sense of crisis in its heart. It looked at Xia Ruo unwillingly, then turned around and wanted to run away.

But how could Yun Fengyang give it a chance? As soon as it ran out, the surrounding space suddenly vibrated, and countless space cracks appeared, tearing countless wounds on the king-level mutant beast, forcing it to stay in Sixiang In the formation.

"Aww!" It raised its head and howled, constantly resisting and struggling.

However, as the seal on its head submerged its top, its body was suppressed and had to shrink little by little, and finally fell directly to the ground.

The four-element formation was formed, echoing the seal of the formation heart, suppressing the king-level mutant beast in place.

No matter how much the king-level mutated beast struggled, it couldn't break free, and in the end it could only keep roaring furiously.

Yun Fengyang and the others also retreated to the roundabout, and the father and son teamed up to strengthen the Four Elephant Formation again, which was bound to completely suppress this king-level mutant beast.

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