Xia Ruonian's wine is not only added with a lot of high-grade spiritual materials, but also cultivated with fairy magic vines. In addition to the taste, the effect is also relatively fast.

So after the old men who drank the wine went back, they found that the quality of sleep had really improved that night, and it seemed that some minor diseases on their bodies had also improved a lot, and they were shocked all of a sudden.

Feeling a little unbelievable, they called other old friends who had drunk alcohol one after another, and found that alcohol really had an effect on them, so Qiqi couldn't help but make appointments with Shangyun's house to drink.

Because there were several old men who drank, the effect of the wine spread quickly, and more old men joined the ranks of rubbing alcohol.

Old Master Yun was secretly happy and in pain, and in the end he couldn't stand being rubbed so much that he took the old lady out for a trip, which made all the old men couldn't help but scold.

On the other hand, Yun Fengyu's friend also found that the effect was not so good after drinking.

One person was not willing to drink the second glass of wine given to him because of the leakage of his father's energy, and his yang energy is not very good. With the attitude of giving it a try, he took it back to honor his father.

Unexpectedly, after drinking the wine, his father didn't believe in the effect of the wine at first, but he drank it because of his son's kindness and filial piety.

I didn't expect the effect to be great. After waking up the next day, I felt a lot more energetic, and I was able to show off my glory at night. This has not happened for several years.

So he couldn't help but let his son go to Yun Fengyu to ask for some wine, and if he couldn't, he would buy it at a high price.

He was originally a talkative person, so he couldn't hold back and shared it with his friends who had the same problem, and then spread the word, many people couldn't help but want to find Xia Ruo to buy aphrodisiac wine.

Then the descendants of the top wealthy families looked at the old men who wanted to come to drink with Mr. Yun, who scolded at home after Mr. Yun ran away, the old man who is emotional wants to strengthen his yang! They really didn't expect that the old men still want to grow old and strong...

Most of the old ladies also heard the tone of their children and grandchildren, and they all blushed and were speechless. These old chatterers, at such an age, still...

The old men don't know about this "beautiful" misunderstanding, otherwise they would have to catch these unworthy descendants and beat them up.

Anyway, Xia Ruo's yang strengthening wine became popular because of this.

Xia Ruo, who also went on a tour like Feng Yan, didn't know that the wine she brewed was actually famous in the field of strengthening yang, and many gay men were trying to contact her.

After Yun Fengyang found out, he almost vomited blood from anger, it's alright for his third brother to be unreliable, why is his father so unreliable.

His precious daughter didn't brew aphrodisiac wine, but the person who came to the door didn't listen to his explanation at all, and wanted to find Xia Ruo.

It also made Yun Fengyang, who couldn't find the old man to complain, caught Yun Fengyu and beat him up.

When Xia Ruo came back and found out, she was also speechless, what the hell was going on!

Seeing that the people who came to ask for wine included many of the top, first-class, and second-rate wealthy families on the Central Star, Xia Ruo found that the market for men is also very large, like women who want to buy beauty pills Same, all crazy!

Seeing that someone asked him to beg for wine, Feng Yan laughed and said: "Xia Xia, your wine is so popular, if you brew some and sell it, the sales will definitely explode!"

Xia Ruo stroked her chin and said, "I'm also thinking about brewing a batch of special Yang-enhancing wine and selling it, maybe I can make a lot of money."

"I'm getting some beauty-beautifying wine. When the time comes, I'll sell it at my brother-in-law's company. It will also drive a wave of live advertisements!" she said again.

Feng Yan unconditionally supports Xia Ruona for everything, ahem, anyway, he doesn't need to drink this kind of wine, "That's a good idea!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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