Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1669 You are so bold

Even though Miao Ao felt a little aggrieved, he had to admit Xia Ruo's words.

This woman is a scourge, and she can be a scourge wherever she is placed, so he can really consider this matter.

"Let's talk about it after you are arrested." He waved his hand.

Seeing his impatient look, Xia Ruo knew that this guy had almost agreed, "After I finish dealing with the recent affairs on the central star, I will take the initiative to help them find a chance to catch me."

"You are really daring. There is no difference between going to the headquarters of the First Star Bandit Group as you and going to Longtan and Tiger's Den. You'd better think about it carefully." Miao Ao said angrily.

Xia Ruo chuckled and said, "Thank you for the compliment, I like to challenge difficult challenges!"

No way! How can we save people if we don't go?

Also, the First Star Bandit Group always wants to capture the star field below, and she also wants to go to the First Star Bandit Group headquarters to see if she can find an opportunity to find something for them to do, so that they have no time to worry about the following.

Miao Ao knew Xia Ruo's character, and what was certain was that even nine horses would not be able to pull her back.

He stood up and snorted coldly, "Follow you!"

Then he left without hesitation, obviously being pissed off by Xia Ruo again.

"This temper is really..." Seeing him slam the door and leave, Xia Ruo shook her head speechlessly.

After returning to the villa, Xia Ruo told the family what Miao Ao said.

Yun Fengyang said with some disapproval: "This is too dangerous, I don't worry about it!"

Xia Hanyue also said this time: "Yes! It's too dangerous to go to the headquarters of the First Star Bandit Group. If you don't want to go, let your father save people."

Her husband is already a king-level power user, so he ran directly to the prison star, robbed the prison and left, to see who dares to stop him.

Xia Ruo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It's not just about saving people, I want to go to the headquarters of the First Star Pirates to learn about their advanced technologies such as potions and mechas, and then try to find ways to harm them so that they don't have time to think about occupying the lower ranks." Wait for civilization."

"Mom and Dad, don't worry, I won't let anything happen to me." She said firmly.

Seeing this, Yun Fengyu and Xia Hanyue could only look at each other, "Hey, you are too stubborn!"

"Okay, if you want to go, go, I will give you a help talisman, if you encounter danger, activate it quickly, and I will be there as soon as possible." What else can Yun Fengyu do, as long as his daughter is happy .

As a king-level supernatural being, he is really not afraid of breaking into the headquarters of the First Star Thief Group. He wants to break the heart of an old father for his daughter, but he is willing to do so.

"At that time, I will also hire a team of elite mercenaries to guard the vicinity, and let them rush in if you have something to do." Xia Hanyue is friends with the leader of the largest mercenary group in the star field.

Seeing how helpless her parents are, but still pampering her, Xia Ruo felt warm in her heart, "Thank you, Mom and Dad, I promise I will pay attention to safety."

Yun Jing still has a lot of confidence in his sister, "When are you going?"

Now that I know the other party's plan, it's up to my sister to decide when to go.

Xia Ruo touched Xia Xuan's belly and said with a smile, "I'll go after my sister gives birth!"

My sister's due date is just this month, and of course she wants to watch the birth of her little nephew.

Xia Xuan leaned her head on Xia Ruo's shoulder and smiled, "If you dare to leave before I give birth, I will be angry."

Xia Ruo's family supported her so much. Although Feng Yan was also worried, he still supported her firmly.

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