Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1671 Xia Ruo is beautiful

Xia Ruo didn't expect Lu Jiao and Wen Yuang's third brother to have such a relationship.

Looking at Lu Jiao's appearance now, it is obvious that he has put the other party in his heart, and even fell in love with him, but she doesn't know it yet.

She said: "What kind of hand injury is it? I have to see it before I can conclude whether it can be cured."

Lu Jiao took Xia Ruo's arm, "Ruo Ruo, I'm sorry to trouble you, when do you have time recently, you can go and see him."

She came here today to ask Xia Ruo for help. Xia Ruo was too busy before, so she couldn't bother her.

She has never given up seeking medical treatment for that person.

Xia Ruo teased with a smile: "If it were someone else, I might not have the time, but because you value him so much, I will take the time to help him look tomorrow."

Lu Jiao's ears turned red again, "He got hurt because of me, I definitely can't ignore it!"

"Yes, you want to repay your favor!" Xia Ruo joked, "Shouldn't the next part of the plot be a promise with your body?"

Lu Jiao pushed her, and smiled embarrassedly: "Go away!"

In the following chat, Lu Jiao would lose his mind from time to time, and Xia Ruo didn't continue to tease.

She guessed that Wen Yuchen had a crush on Lu Jiao, but she didn't expect that Lu Jiao would be her younger brother's fiancée, so she reluctantly gave up and stopped contacting her.

It's just that after Lu Jiao and Wen Yuang divorced, he might have had some thoughts again.

To be able to pounce on Lu Jiao at the most dangerous moment regardless of oneself is definitely true love, this courage is worthy of recognition.

Lu Jiao inexplicably approached the person who was going to explode himself. If there is no accident, it must be related to the luck stone.

At that time, the Luck Stone was supposed to help Wen Yuang win Wen Yuchen's luck, and it happened that Wen Yuchen valued Lu Jiao very much, and this affected Lu Jiao, so that the Wen family would not suspect anything.

In addition, Yan Lingfeng and Qiu Shu have also negotiated over there. From tomorrow, Qiu Shu will go to work at Yanfeng Material Company as the chief material master.

Qiu Shu left the tea room, and just as she was about to return to her apartment, she received a call from her mother asking her to go home.

After she and Xia Ruo said goodbye, they drove back to the villa.

Back at Qiu's house, only her parents were sitting in the living room.

Seeing her daughter coming back, Jiang Yu showed tenderness on her face, stood up and pulled Qiu Shu to sit beside her, "Shu Shu is back!"

Qiu Shu called out lightly: "Dad, Mom!"

Qiu Hongyi also nodded lightly to her, "I'm back, I have something to tell you."

Qiu Shu looked at him coldly, "What's the matter?"

"Your elder brother and Xia Ruo had a conflict?" Qiu Hongyi couldn't see any joy or anger on his face.

Qiu Shu knew her father very well, and seemed unhappy, but what did it have to do with her?

"It's not that there's a conflict, but that he wants to snatch Xia Ruo's favorite pet." Qiu Shu said truthfully.

Qiu Hongyi frowned, "Do you know that the Yun family has already refused to sell medicine to the Qiu family?"

"It's just some small conflicts. As for this?"

He has already heard from his children, but he just fell in love with a spiritual pet, whoever wants the price will get it, but he hasn't snatched it in the end.

Xia Ruo actually encouraged Yun Fengyang to suspend the medicine supply to the Qiu family because of this, causing many high-level members of the Qiu family to come to question him today, which is simply too much.

Qiu Shu looked indifferent, "I don't know!"

She really didn't know about this, but in her heart she felt that Xia Ruo was pretty!

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