Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1682 This is too powerful

Meng Wan's pregnancy was good news for the Yun family. The old man and the old lady were also very happy and kept praising Xia Ruo for being amazing.

Seeing Xia Ruo being praised by the family, Yun Hanfeng didn't know whether to be jealous or envious.

Recently, many daughters of wealthy families approached her, wanting her to help introduce Xia Ruo, and she felt a little sour, very uncomfortable.

No matter what she thought in her heart, she didn't dare to show it to Xia Ruo, and she had to congratulate the second aunt with a happy face.

Meng Wan's pregnancy was not concealed. The rest of the Yun family knew about it, and the news spread.

The wealthy wives of Central Star were shocked, they knew about Meng Wan's situation, she looked sick all day, and couldn't even stay in Central Star for long, she had to go to Eco Star, and now she was pregnant!

Many rich and noble ladies who have never been pregnant can't help talking, only then did they know that Xia Ruo has been helping Meng Wan to recuperate, cured her illness, and prompted her to become pregnant.

No one expected that Xia Ruo could not only brew yang-strengthening wine, but also treat infertility.

After the news spread, both the old lady, Xia Hanyue and Meng Wan received a lot of calls from wealthy wives and ladies who wanted to ask what happened, and asked Xia Ruo to take a look.

The heat of infertility treatment has not subsided yet, three days later the news that Wen Yuchen's hands have recovered is flooding the screen again.

Wen Yuchen is quite well-known in the central star, a relatively talented master of the magic pattern badge, but it is a pity that his hands are injured and he can no longer continue to engage in this industry, which makes many people feel very regretful.

Unexpectedly, the official blog of the First Magic Pattern Company posted a blog today, saying that Wen Yuchen's hands have recovered and he will return to the company to continue to serve as the chief master of the magic pattern badge.

This news was like a thunderstorm, and it exploded on the central star.

Just as everyone was speculating about why Wen Yuchen's hand had suddenly fully recovered, and whether someone had healed it, Wen Yuchen's Starblog was updated.

Wen Yuchen, master of magic pattern badge: The injury of my hands has always troubled me, thank you Master Xia for the treatment, not only let me recover, but also let me find my favorite profession @夏RUO

If Xia Ruo agrees to tell the story of his cure, then he will thank the whole network!

Then Master Wen, Mrs. Wen, and the other three brothers of the Wen family also posted Starblogs, @足 Xiaruo to express their gratitude.

Only then did everyone realize that Wen Yuchen's hands were healed by Xia Ruo, which is amazing!

Yun Feiyang saw Wen's family's Xingbo, and couldn't help being overwhelmed by his father's love.

So I also posted a Starblog.

Pharmacy Master Yun Fengyang: My baby girl is the best @夏RUO

Seeing this, Yun Fengyu was not to be outdone, and also posted a star blog: My baby niece is the best, compare my heart@xiaruo

He was having a party with his friends at this time, and after posting this Xingbo, he immediately felt perfect.

His friends are very speechless, this guy is just trying to catch the heat of his niece and elder brother, shameless!

Cough, if it was theirs, they would want to rub it too!

Seeing his younger brother closely following the rhythm, Yun Fengyang was speechless.

It seems that I should find a wife for this idle brother, and then give birth to a daughter by myself, so as not to worry about his two precious daughters.

The star blog of the two also aroused heated discussions among netizens.

A group of people shouted "Papa Yun is so warm, I like Papa Yun so much!" "Uncle Yun is so cute!"

Continue in half an hour~

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