Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1700 two bad news

The club involves more and more aspects, and has won unanimous praise from everyone.

Gradually, it is no longer just for women and children, and a pension fund has been established to provide help for the widows and helpless elderly.

A disability foundation has been established to provide assistance such as training and employment for the disabled.

Sickness Foundation, which helps those who are sick but have no money to treat them.

This was all proposed by Xia Ruo. Ever since she got the Xu family's mysterious art inheritance, she has fallen in love with doing charity.

It's just that they donated most of the money they got from looking at Fengshui before, but now they suggest that Chu Mei and the others directly establish a foundation to help those in need in the entire Star Territory.

Because of their identities, many people donated money, and Yun Fengyang and others took the lead in donating a large amount.

All the foundations of the club have also adopted an open and transparent form, and have established a special star blog, and every donation and purpose will be fully disclosed.

It also made the club more and more famous. In the end, even the gay men in power from the wealthy families of Central Star had to admit that these women still have some skills.

Xia Ruo has also been busy for more than three months because of club affairs.

That day I received a call from Miao Ao and went to the tea room to meet him.

After Xia Ruo arrived at the tea room, Miao Ao had already drank several cups of tea.

Looking at her in high spirits, Miao Ao raised his eyebrows, "You've been very busy recently!"

Xia Ruo chuckled and said, "Yes! I've been working on various foundations lately, and I'm very busy and fulfilled!"

Miao Ao was caught by Xia Ruo before, and was forced to go to the club to give mecha manufacturing lessons to those women. He was also made to go to many places to rescue children, and brought them back to the central star to send to the adoption meeting.

Apart from him, Feng Yan, Yan Lingfeng, Yan Xiu, Liang Xia, etc. were all arrested, even Yun Jing and Wen Yuchen who had just recovered, showed how busy the club was.

But the focus of his coming to Xia Ruo today is not this, "Are you still going to the headquarters of the First Star Bandit Group?"

"Go!" Xia Ruo picked up the teacup and took a sip, "I was too busy before, and I haven't freed up my hand to let them catch me."

"Recently, the foundation has been formalized, so I can go to the headquarters of the first star bandit group to save people for a walk."

She asked Miao Ao to help take care of Bai Siyu's situation on Prison Star, and knowing that none of their lives were in danger, she was relieved to go to the foundation's affairs first.

"It's not good for you to tell you two pieces of news." Miao Ao straightened his expression.

Seeing this, Xia Ruo said, "Just tell me."

"The first one, although the owner of the married family was killed by you, the first star bandit group has decrypted the terminal he used and deliberately destroyed, and extracted a lot of data. It may not take long to find the wormhole. Useful information for the coordinates."

"And the first star bandit group has divided a separate planet to establish a military base, re-selected elites to establish a battle group, and is conducting training. When the wormhole coordinates are found, they will directly set out to fight in the low-level civilization star field. "

Xia Ruo frowned, "That's really troublesome, it seems that I have to go to the headquarters of the first star bandit group as soon as possible."

"What about the second message?" she asked again.

Miao Ao shrugged and said: "Second news, I have two half-brothers who are eyeing you. After you are arrested and taken to the First Star Bandit Group, will they pursue you on purpose, or will they pursue you?" They will find ways to intimidate and lure you, so that you can be used by them."

"These two are the most insidious and cunning of my half-brothers, and the most powerful. They are also the two most powerful and strongest competitors for the chair that the old man sat on."

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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