Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1702 That's Right

After returning home, Xia Ruo talked about it with her family.

Yun Fengyang and Xia Hanyue knew that they could not change their daughter's decision, so one of them went into the studio to prepare various formations, seals and potions for her daughter, while the other contacted the leader of the biggest mercenary.

"Ruo Ruo, I've made an agreement with them, and they will send an elite team of 20 people to secretly protect you."

Xia Hanyue sent several special contact signals to Xia Ruo, "You can contact them if you have anything to do."

"Okay!" Xia Ruo remembered the signal segment in her heart, leaning on her mother's shoulder, "Thank you, mother!"

"No matter what, come back safely!" Xia Hanyue hugged her daughter lovingly.

"Well, I will!" Xia Ruo nodded.

Like Yun Fengyang, Yun Jing also sneaked into the studio when he knew when Xia Ruo was going to leave.

For the past two days, Xia Xuan took her son to sleep in Xia Ruo's room at night, leaving Yan Lingfeng to guard the empty room alone.

The little guy especially likes Xia Ruo, his aunt, and clings to her every day.

"Ruo Ruo, I let Xiao Feng follow you, she can already transform into a real body."

Xia Xuan felt that the headquarters of the first star bandit group was a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, and she was worried about her sister's safety, so she discussed with her own Tianfeng to let her stay with her for a while.

Xia Ruo was stunned, "Xiaofeng followed me, what should you do?"

Xia Xuan smiled lightly and nodded at her, "I won't be in any danger on the central star, and I still have Xiaobai. After domestication, it shows signs of mutation, and its strength is not weak."

Xiaobai is the son of the king-level mutant beast that Xia Ruo brought.

"There are still grandpa and father here, Xiaofeng is with you, so I feel at ease." Xia Xuan said.

Xia Ruo felt warm in her heart, and she no longer refused her sister's kindness, "Thank you sister, I love you the most!"

Then he hugged the sweet and soft baby and kissed her a few mouthfuls.

Xia Xuan chuckled: "That's right!"

Then a red flame flew out from between her brows, and penetrated into Xia Ruo's brows.

Tianfeng, who has formed a pact with Xia Xuan as a natal soul pet, can live in the sea of ​​human consciousness.

Xia Ruo was considered to be the one Tianfeng grew up with, and she was also relatively close to her.

During the day, Xia Ruo went to the club to continue teaching, so as not to let the Star Thieves see that something was wrong.

In private, he told Chu Mei and the others that she would disappear for a period of time starting next week.

Although they didn't know what she was going to do, they all respected her and handed over what she was originally doing.

Recently, Xia Ruo and the others lived in the old house.

At noon on Sunday, after the whole family finished their meal, Mr. Yun looked at Xia Ruo and said, "The ancestor wants to see you, so come with me!"

Xia Ruo was stunned, although the old ancestor said before that she could go to him, but since the last time he recognized his ancestor and returned to the clan, he has retreated, and she is too embarrassed to take the initiative to disturb him.

"Okay, grandpa!"

Old Master Yun took Xia Ruo to a courtyard in the deepest part of the old house of the Yun family.

The yard is relatively quiet, with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

Walking into the gate of the yard, I saw the ancestor sitting on a stone bench in the garden, teasing a senior pet bird.

"I've seen the ancestor!" Grandpa Yun brought Xia Ruo forward.

Xia Ruo also greeted respectfully, "I have seen the ancestor!"

The old ancestor looked kindly, nodded and smiled slightly: "You guys are here, sit down!"

The two sat across from him.

He waved his hand, and the bird standing on the stone table flew away spontaneously.

He didn't go around in circles, looked at Xia Ruo and asked, "Are you going to the headquarters of the first star bandit group?"

Sorry, the writing is too sloppy, I will sort out the plot and write again, and continue at 15 o'clock~~

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