Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 172 It's better not to let her down

Luo Ning also particularly hates gossiping behind the scenes.

She always felt that cheating in the exam and finding fault today was not a coincidence.

Remind Xia Ruo, "You'd better find out who did it behind the scenes, the splashing of dirty water is a bit deliberate."

Xia Ruo nodded: "I think so too."

"Do you know which detective agency is better in the imperial capital?" She didn't remember anything about it.

Shui Yini recommended without hesitation, "You can search on the first floor. Although the price is relatively expensive, it is very reliable and much better than the detective agency!"

"The first floor? A company specializing in intelligence?" Xia Ruo sounded a little like it was made by the Gu family.

Luo Ning said with a smile: "The first floor accepts a complete range of orders. No matter what you want to do, as long as it is not wrong or violates federal laws, they will accept it!"

Hearing what she said, Xia Ruo became a little curious, "Is there their company in the virtual world?"

"Yes, I'll send you the address coordinates later!" Shui Yini said enthusiastically.

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "You are so familiar, you don't support the business on the first floor?"

Shui Yini chuckled, "That's right, I'm a loyal fan of the first floor!"

"Okay, I'll go and have a look in the virtual world soon!" Xia Ruo nodded.

Shui Yini said regretfully: "It's a pity that I can't go out to HI, otherwise we can go out tonight to celebrate the good results you two have achieved!"

Xia Ruo thought for a while and said, "It's not good outside, we can go to the bar in the virtual world first, I'll treat you!"

"Okay! I know a good family, let's go to play at night!" Shui Yini loves to play and is familiar with these things.

Luo Ning didn't have a good relationship with her roommates before, and she never went out to play together, so she nodded after thinking about it, "Okay!"

The three made an appointment for the evening time and the location in the virtual world, and then went back to their rooms.

Xia Ruo returned to the room and found that many messages of congratulations had been received on the terminal, including those from the department head and mentor, as well as those from Xi Yu and Ming Rui.

These two were the people she met eating barbecue at the trial site, and she politely replied "Thank you".

For the freshmen of various departments in the Second College, this was a very exciting day, but Xia Ruo didn't care much about it.

After returning to the room, she entered the virtual world and was directly transferred to Shui Yinifa's address coordinates.

This is a relatively prosperous building, the first floor is on the top floor, and she takes the elevator directly to it.

The whole floor is the first floor, and the decoration style has some ancient flavor.

As soon as he entered the door, a woman in business attire came over.

"Miss, is there anything I can help you with?"

Xia Ruo said straight to the point: "I want to check a person, do you accept the order?"

"We have this business, please follow me!" The woman nodded politely with a smile, and led Xia Ruo into an office.

"This lady wants to check someone, Lao Lu, please help me find out!"

A middle-aged man wearing glasses sat in the office, "OK!"

Xia Ruo went to sit opposite him, and he got up to make her a cup of coffee.

"Miss, who do you want to check?"

Xia Ruo recalled the photos taken in the restaurant at noon, "This man!"

The middle-aged man looked at it, "Aside from the photos, are there other clues to provide?"

"I don't know anything about the freshmen of the Second College of the Alliance!"

"Then what are you looking for?"

"I want to check his identity and who he has had frequent and close contacts with recently. Is there anyone from the Xia family in the imperial capital?"

"No problem, but the search price here is not low. The Xia family is considered a third-rate family. The commission needs 300,000 star coins. If you still find out more information, you need to charge another 200,000 star coins!"

"Okay!" Although Xia Ruo felt that their price was a bit outrageous, she still agreed. It would be easier. It is best not to disappoint her on the first floor.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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