Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1720 Are you here to sow hatred?

Miao Zheng suppressed his anger.

He continued to provoke, "This is what Dad meant, I just want to mention, why are you so angry, seventh brother!"

Miao Ao curled his lips and said meaningfully: "If he wants to marry the Yao family so much, and you all look down on Miss Yao's family, then let him marry her. Anyway, our Miao family does not lack concubines!"

As soon as this sentence came out, not only the faces of the Yao family were ugly, but also Miao Zheng and Miao Jun's faces darkened. Their mother was the concubine.

Who else doesn't like Miss Yao's family anymore? They really want to marry to win over the three commanders, but the old man and the Yao family are not happy!

Feeling that the originally lively and harmonious atmosphere of the drinking party suddenly dropped to freezing point, Xia Ruo wanted to support his forehead, so Miao Ao was here to sow hatred, right?

But he definitely doesn't like the Miss Yao who married him, and he should even be a little disgusted, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

Miao Ao has never been a character who would force himself to deal with others, and Xia Ruo didn't think there was anything wrong with him.

If you don't want to make a fuss, then tear it up face to face, anyway, he is not afraid of his identity and the cards in his hand.

Miao Zheng took a deep breath, and smiled subtly, "Seventh brother, be careful!"

"It would be bad if this word got to Papa!" he added.

They wished they could pass it on as soon as possible, so that the old man could see what kind of thing his beloved son was.

Miao Ao raised his eyebrows, and still said arrogantly: "No need to tell, I will tell him in person later, if he wants to marry, I can marry myself. He can't decide my marriage yet."

"..." Miao Zheng choked, his seventh brother was really annoying.

Every time I talk to Miao Ao, I feel tired. This person never knows how to turn a corner. He can kill people and get mad!

It's a pity that the old man hasn't been pissed off by this guy yet!

"Since the seventh brother is not aimed at the unmarried, ahem, Ms. Yao is here, so he wants to attend the reception on a whim?" Today Miao Jun is planning to make Miao Ao completely offend the Yao family, and the marriage is impossible.

Miao Ao sneered: "Don't use this little provocative trick. Don't you know why I came to the reception today?"

Then he didn't bother to pay attention to the two of them, pushed away Miao Jun who was standing beside Xia Ruo, and took his place by himself.

Then he looked at the wine glass Xia Ruo was holding with disgust, "Can you drink this quality wine?"

He has been drinking Xia Ruo's own brewed wine recently, and his mouth has become more and more picky!

Xia Ruo gave him a white look, "Can't I still put on a show?"

"Okay, as long as you're happy!" Miao Ao laughed.

Xia Ruo took a glass of wine from the waiter's tray and stuffed it into Miao Ao's hand, "You accompany me!"

With a bit of helplessness, Miao Ao looked like you have a problem with your brain, but his hand was very sincere, and he still took the wine glass she stuffed, "You are really troublesome!"

His mouth is disgusting, but his body is very honest, and he has a pampering look, which shocked everyone present.

Is this the Miao Qishao they knew?

Feeling that everyone's eyes were on him and Xia Ruo, Miao Ao became unhappy, and casually glanced around coldly, "Are you all doing nothing? Why are you staring at me?"

Suddenly, most of the people present quickly looked away, drinking, drinking, and chatting, they can't afford to mess with this evil star!

Yao Qingqing, who walked in the middle, had red eye circles, and kept holding back herself from crying.

She didn't expect that Miao Ao would say such a thing in public, without showing any affection, what did he think of her? She didn't want to marry that old man and other brothers from the Miao family.

The more he doesn't want to marry her, the more she wants him!

The hand holding the wine glass tightened, looking up at Xia Ruo with a knife in her eyes, she must make this woman die!

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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