When Feng Yan was mentioned, Miao Ao remembered something.

"The headquarters already know that Feng Yan brought his team into the nearby life star!"

Xia Ruo shook the wine glass indifferently, "I didn't expect to be able to hide it."

"The people at your headquarters shouldn't care, right?"

Miao Ao nodded: "Well, you have been invited into the headquarters, and Feng Yan is strolling outside. They don't feel threatened."

"But you should tell him to pay attention, maybe someone here will try to threaten you with him." He reminded.

Xia Ruo said: "Well, I will remind him."

"Do you still want me to take you away?" Miao Ao asked with a smile.

Xia Ruo chuckled and said, "Wait a minute, your fourth brother is going to take me to the Bio-Mech Research Institute, and your second brother invited me to study medicine together. I will go with them first, and let them take the blame if there is trouble."

She said meaningfully: "Don't worry, there will be times when you will shine."

Miao Ao laughed, "You just hold back."

But he likes to let those two idiots taste the result of backlash.

They feel that Xia Ruo is easy to use and manipulate, and they are definitely the ones who will be sad in the end.

The two sat talking and laughing, the cold and hard lines on Miao Aojun's face softened a lot, making many people wonder if their eyes were dazzled.

Yao Qingqing also left where she was standing before, and went to the bathroom to calm down and adjust her makeup.

When he came out, he saw Young Master Yao waiting at the door.

"Big Brother!" Seeing Big Brother, her eye circles turned red again, and she felt aggrieved, "How could Miao Ao treat me like this?"

Young Master Yao felt sorry for his younger sister, but he was even more angry that Miao Ao was making such shameless sarcasm in public, and didn't pay attention to their Yao family at all.

"Don't worry, I will vent my anger for you!" He reached out and patted Yao Qingqing's shoulder to comfort him.

Yao Qingqing's eyes were full of jealousy, "Brother, I want Miao Ao to be my husband no matter what, you help me kill that vixen Xia Ruo!"

Not only the Second Young Master Miao and the Fourth Young Master were fascinated, but even Miao Ao, who has always been honest with women, was also fascinated, and her heart felt uncomfortable.

Young Master Yao frowned, Miao's second child and fourth child were trying to win over Xia Ruo.

But thinking of Miao Ao's attitude towards Xia Ruo, he changed his mind and said: "It's not enough to kill her now, but I will let her make a fool of herself in a while to vent your anger for you."

Although Yao Qingqing was a little dissatisfied, she still nodded: "Okay, thank you, brother!"

Although she is the most favored daughter of the Yao family, her elder brother is indeed the most valued heir.

Soon, the reception officially began. Yao Qingqing had an opening dance with a wealthy young master, and the others also invited their female companions to the dance floor.

According to the original plan, both Miao Zheng and Miao Jun wanted to invite Xia Ruo to dance, but now that Miao Ao was pestered by the plague god, they were afraid of being stabbed again in the past.

Neither of them dared to move, so the others would not be bored.

A piece of dance music is over, and everyone rests.

Before the second paragraph started, Young Master Yao took the initiative to walk towards Xia Ruo and the others.

Seeing this, the people present showed expressions of watching the show, and they dared not stare at it, but they all focused on it.

Young Master Yao walked up to Xia Ruo, and invited with a gentlemanly smile on his face: "Miss Xia, I don't know if I have the honor, I invite you to dance!"

Miao Ao stole a cold look at him, but he looked at Xia Ruo as if he hadn't seen it.

His father always emphasized that he should not provoke and offend Miao Ao, he had already disliked Miao Ao! Now he won't!

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