There were many dudes present, but there were also many elites, and the problem was soon discovered.

"These people have never been trained to dance mechs at all, so it is impossible to be so unified. It can only show that these mecha fighters or mechas are completely controlled by Xia Ruo!"

"Damn, it seems to be true!"

"I just want to know how she did it? This is too cool!"

"It's so beautiful, it's even more beautiful than the solo dance just now!"

A few people's eyes lit up, and they cast admiring glances at Xia Ruo.

There are also quite a few people with ugly faces, as if someone owed them money.

They felt that they were slapped in the face by the people from Central Star, which made them very embarrassed and angry. They should have given Xia Ruo a blow or a slap in the face!

Many celebrities, led by Yao Qingqing, also looked very ugly, with disbelief and all kinds of jealousy and hatred.

And just after the mechas jumped to the hottest point and landed, suddenly one after another the mechas raised their arms and began to shoot at the surroundings.

"Ah! Hide away!"

"What the hell are you doing, ah!"

As Xia Ruo said, the mech went off fire.

Then the whole meeting place became chaotic, the people attending the reception ran around, and some people were shot and fell to the ground.

Only the platform on Xia Ruo's side was a piece of pure land, and the twenty mechas avoided it as if they had eyes.

As long as you observe carefully, you will also find that the targets of the mech's strafing are all people who targeted Xia Ruo or were very unfriendly to her.

People who cast friendly glances at her, or who have never shown hostility, ran around in the field, but no one was shot, and even the bullets avoided them.

Standing behind Xia Ruo, Miao Zheng and Miao Jun watched what happened below, their eyes shrank, thinking about trouble at the same time!

Miao Ao folded his arms, Jun had a rare smile on his face, "A group of self-righteous idiots!"

"You already knew?" Miao Zheng looked at him sullenly.

Miao Ao raised his eyebrows, "Know what? I don't know anything."

"Xia Ruo has reminded just now that the mech might go off fire, so why didn't they listen to any of them."

"You guys have been smart for a while this time!" He said meaningfully.

Seeing that many of his people were hit by laser bullets, Miao Zheng was going crazy, "Stop them!"

Miao Ao rolled his eyes at him, "I don't have this ability!"

"Miss Xia, stop playing, if you continue like this, you will cause big trouble!" Miao Zheng immediately looked at Xia Ruo and said, although it seemed to be persuading, but also in a warning tone.

Xia Ruo no longer played the piano, she stood up and said innocently: "I have warned you before, there is a possibility of fire, they don't believe anyone!"

"Besides, what does it have to do with me? But Young Master Yao insisted on letting me show it, and he just kept saying that no matter what happens, he will be responsible."

Xia Ruo pouted, "Second Young Master Miao, don't pour dirty water on my head. I don't take the blame for this kind of accident."

"..." Miao Zheng was so angry that he almost didn't come up. It was an accident, and she didn't take the blame for it.

If this is an accident, he ate the mecha below!

This woman definitely did it on purpose, otherwise, how could it be possible that she just kept emphasizing that she would go off the rails, and then let that idiot Yaoda automatically jump into the pit and take all the responsibility in public.

He had wondered before why she would use this to delay time. Lovers are not delaying time, they are trying to throw the pot away.

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