Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1752 She will make this place into 18 levels of hell

Miao Ao's face was still cold, but he didn't say anything more.

Xia Ruo said: "Then enter it, it's my first time here, I still want to go down and have a look."

"Miss Xia, please!" The rich man took her to the front desk to have her fingerprints and irises entered.

After the entry was completed, he smiled enthusiastically and said, "Miss Xia has become a VIP of our Nightless Kingdom. You can play on the eighteenth floor. I hope you and Seventh Young Master have a good time!"

Xia Ruo smiled slightly and said meaningfully: "Thank you, we will definitely have fun!"

"Let's go!" Miao Ao came here once, although he didn't play much, but he was still familiar with it.

The two took the elevator to the first floor.

All the people coming and going here are the commoners of the Star Thief Group, and they seem to be playing vulgarly. Men and women are hugging each other, like a brothel of a relatively low-level in ancient times.

The men all have a kind of smugness and look particularly wretched.

They circled around at random, and she saw numbness and despair in the eyes of many socializing women.

Xia Ruo looked around casually, frowned, "Look at the second floor!"

"Hmm!" Miao Ao hated this environment very much.

"Are all those women arrested?" Xia Ruo asked as she walked.

Miao Ao nodded: "Well, they are basically snatched from other life stars. It seems that they will be brought to a certain place for training first, and they will be sent here after they pass the test."

"Whose property is this? Your father's?" Xia Ruo asked.

Miao Ao shook his head: "The old man doesn't have the time to do this. I checked it privately. It's owned by the five chiefs. Several of my older brothers have participated in the shares!"

"By the way, I heard that the five chiefs had taken a fancy to your mother before, and wanted to molested her and snatched her away, and then your father chased him to the headquarters and beat him up. At that time, this incident caused a lot of trouble. " he said.

Xia Ruo frowned even deeper, "There is still such a thing, it seems that this five chiefs are a shameless old pervert."

The old man actually wanted to rob her mother. If she didn't do something, she would be too sorry to come here.

Miao Ao said: "Almost, that old guy has harmed many women over the years."

The two went to the second and third floors. These two floors also have the same business items, but the first floor is a bit more advanced, and the level of customers and female escorts is higher.

Then I went to the fourth, fifth and sixth floors. These three floors are mainly for gambling.

Those who come to play can tell that their status in the headquarters varies from high to low. There are ordinary members of the Star Thief Group, and there are also many powerful Star Thief fighters.

These people played crazy, and they looked like addicted gamblers.

After just walking around, Xia Ruo discovered several cases where these people pushed their wives and children up after losing the bet.

Or they just couldn't afford to lose, and then they were dragged to a specific place and their hands and feet were chopped off.

It's cruel, but it doesn't make people feel sympathetic. Poor people must have something to hate.

As he went down, Xia Ruo's expression became closer and closer to Miao Ao's.

The lower floors are more bloody, life-and-death battles between humans and humans, or between humans and mutant beasts, where people from the star thief or nobles place bets.

Xia Ruo found that the people who were placed below to participate in the life-and-death battle were basically mech fighters captured from the outside. The battle suits they wore had not been changed. The more bloody the fight, the more excited the bettors were.

In the latter layer, the strength of the people participating in the life-and-death battle also increased, and the aristocratic status of the bets became higher and higher.

In the new round of life-and-death struggle, Xia Ruo also saw an acquaintance.

The look in her eyes is getting colder and colder. Since there are 18 floors built here, then she will play this place as 18 floors of hell.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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