Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1761 You are so imposing

The middle-aged man brought Xia Ruo and Miao Ao to the conference room.

The five leaders and others were still sitting in their seats discussing how to save the losses as much as possible, but they found that there was no way, unless a kingdom that never sleeps was rebuilt, otherwise everything would be over.

This made the five leaders and others hold back a lot of anger.

When the three came in, the middle-aged man was the first to explain, "Fifth leader, Miss Xia has invited you here. Seventh Young Master said that he also went to the Nightless Kingdom tonight, so he came with us to assist in the investigation."

Knowing Miao Ao's temperament, the five leaders waved to the middle-aged man, "Okay, you go down first!"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man withdrew immediately as if he had received an amnesty.

The five leaders looked at Miao Ao, "You sit down first!"

Then his eyes fell on Xia Ruo. This appearance, figure and temperament are very suitable for him. If it were normal, he might spend some time and effort to coax her to play, but now he is not in the mood.

"Miss Xia, we suspect that what happened in the Nightless Kingdom tonight is related to you. Do you have anything to explain?" His eyes were full of coldness, and he put pressure on Xia Ruo as soon as he came.

This is also a psychological tactic.

However, Xia Ruo was not caught. She walked forward a few steps, opened an empty seat and sat down, and said leisurely: "What the five chiefs said is really funny, why didn't I know that what happened in the Nightless Kingdom tonight has something to do with me?" ?”

"Where's the evidence? Show it to me first."

She leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and said to the assistant of the five chiefs standing there, "Why are you so ignorant of etiquette, don't you serve tea when guests come?"

"..." The corners of the mouths of the people present twitched. This woman really thinks that she is here as a guest, can she be a little more self-conscious?

But I have to say that courage is not ordinary fat, and this style is not ordinary big.

The assistant was stunned for a moment, it was the first time he had encountered an interrogator who took himself so seriously, and he couldn't help but look at the five chiefs.

The five leaders laughed angrily, "Miss Xia really deserves to be Yun Fengyang's daughter, you are so imposing."

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "The five chiefs have praised me, so naturally I can't lose my father's face wherever I go."

"Serve Miss Xia tea!" The five leaders also squinted their eyes.

The assistant walked out quickly, and came in with two cups of tea after a while, and put them in front of Xia Ruomiao.

"Miss Xia, please actively cooperate with the affairs of the Nightless Kingdom." Miao Zheng looked at Xia Ruo and said politely.

Xia Ruo played with the teacup, "You keep asking me to cooperate, saying that I am related to the matter of the Nevernight Kingdom, then you should show the evidence first, and I will explain them one by one based on your evidence."

"Now you are asking me to explain with empty teeth, I am very confused!"

She knew what she did by herself, and it was absolutely impossible to leave any evidence. These people just wanted to bluff her first.

The five leaders said coldly: "Xia Ruo, don't toast and refuse to drink fine wine. If you don't confess, then we will have to use special means to make you speak up!"

"Are you trying to beat me up?" Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows and looked over without fear.

Then he said meaningfully: "Fifth leader, although I know that you were treated badly by my father before, but this can't be a reason for you to avenge yourself, right?"

"I've been to the Kingdom of Nightless today, so what happened is related to me? Are you looking down on me too much, or are you looking down on yourself too much?"

She pointed to herself, "I'm just an eleventh-level supernatural user. I destroyed your biggest entertainment venue in your old lair. It should be logical for you to find someone to take the blame?"

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