Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1768 The entire star field is a sensation

Miao Ao asked people to send out a copy of the photos and evidence of the five chiefs hooking up with high-level women in the city that never sleeps.

For a while, the five leaders became well-known in the city that never sleeps.

The Nightless Kingdom was destroyed, his career had already been hit, and now he cuckolded so many people. After being suppressed by the United Nations, he became a dog in the water who everyone shouted for beatings.

But after all, he is still the five chiefs, controlling a war group, as long as the chief protects him, the others can only join forces to suppress him.

And when the five leaders were in a miserable state and were about to ask the big leader for help, Miao Kun also received information that the five leaders had colluded to become the head of the family, causing him to be assassinated.

In Miao Kun's heart, there is only one regret in this life, and that is the death of his wife.

He really didn't expect that the person who betrayed his line back then was the fifth brother, so he resorted to tricks and directly forced the fifth leader to almost escape from the city that never sleeps.

It's just that he didn't succeed, and he was secretly arrested before leaving the city, and then taken to the forbidden area established by the Miao family and imprisoned, living a life that would be worse than death.

And the participating outer room was also Miao Yu's mother. The mother and son were also thrown into the prison, and they would never see the light again.

The second-hand collar was also suppressed by Miao Kun's plan, which gradually weakened the power in his hand.

It was precisely because of this civil strife that Feng Yan secretly destroyed all the Prisoner Stars of the First Star Bandit Group within a month.

It was already too late when the headquarters received the news, so they could only send an elite battle group to capture Feng Yan. Unfortunately, he and his team seemed to have evaporated from the star field, and they could not be found at all.

This matter made the high-level officials of the city that never sleeps very angry.

Because of the turmoil in the past few days, the city that never sleeps has reshuffled its cards, which has laid a lot of hidden dangers.

Because of this, Xia Ruo became famous again in the Nightless City. In fact, whether it was the destruction of the Nightless Kingdom, or the destruction of the five leaders and all their forces, it was all related to her.

Not only the high-level executives on Central Star felt that Xia Ruo was a misfortune, but the city that never sleeps also had a deeper understanding.

This woman has only been in the city that never sleeps for a long time. First, she used the reception to frighten the three generations here, and then she caused such a big incident.

The problem is that they have nothing to do with her for the time being. Who would let her be working on the highest-level project at the Institute of Biology? The feeling of frustration in the heart of the person who suffered a heavy loss this time is beyond words.

At the Biological Mecha Research Institute, Xia Ruo's super mecha research has reached a critical moment, so they don't know that there is chaos outside.

Ten days later, a newest mecha from Starfield was born. It combines the technology of intelligent mecha and biological mecha. It is the most perfect so far in terms of defense, attack, agility, and flexibility.

Mir asked Milo to go up and control the mech himself, his face was full of excitement, "We finally researched the first super mecha in the entire star field!"

Although the level of this super mecha is only S-level, it is the biggest breakthrough in the mecha world, and it is also one of the heights that mecha masters most want to achieve.

He looked at Xia Ruo and Miao Ao with great satisfaction, "It's also thanks to you all this time, especially Xia, you are simply the angel sent to me by God!"

Xia Ruo is half of the credit for the success of the super mecha this time. He is really reluctant to let go of such a genius. It seems that the only way to let the old man experiment is to see if he can completely control it!

Mir is a relatively high-profile mech master, so he announced the good news to the whole star domain immediately, and posted a group photo of participating in the project on the official star blog.

More specifically, on Xingbo, he praised and affirmed Xia Ruo's genius and his help in successfully manufacturing the super mech this time.

The entire star field was shocked!

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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