Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1772 This hand is really beautiful

The Biological Mecha Research Institute really didn't expect that Xia Ruo, that dead girl, would be able to find evidence of their collusion after arriving at the first star bandit group.

Those idiots from the First Star Bandit Group are too useless!

There is also a screenshot of the evidence that they bought the navy. If Feng Yan and others did not do this, they would have closed the research institute.

It's just that with the fermentation of public opinion, they were completely pushed to the opposite of human beings, as if they had done some heinous things and became traitors to all human beings.

They did have some private deals with the No. 1 Star Thief Group, but betrayal or something is too serious, and they will not and cannot bear the blame.

So under a lot of pressure, they could only push out the three mecha masters who contacted the first star bandit group and went to buy the navy, weakening it into a personal grievance.

The actions of these three people are completely personal and have nothing to do with the Bio-Mech Research Institute. They will not attack Xia Ruo, and said that if Xia Ruo comes back, they are willing to warmly welcome and invite her to join the research institute.

If none of the above things happened, if Xia Ruo came back with the super mecha technology, everyone would think that the place she should go to was the Central Star Biological Mecha Research Institute.

After all, this is the glory of the mecha world, and it is very important to them. There is no way to put aside the old grievances before.

But after several waves of manipulation by the Bio-Mech Research Institute, everyone felt that if Xia Ruo came back, it would be a grievance if she went to the Research Institute, and they would not agree to it.

The Bio-Mech Research Institute is too shameless, who doesn't know who! Do you think these things can be resolved by introducing three people and saying that it is a personal grievance?

Do you think they are fools? They are not fooled.

Then continue to yell and tell them to fuck off!

Of course, this is the voice of the public. From the perspective of the Central Star executives, they are really annoyed and angry about this matter. They feel that the mecha masters of the Institute of Biology are completely out of their minds to do such a thing.

But it is impossible to let them get out of the central star, and can only suppress the development of the situation as much as possible.

All kinds of fermentations here, the top of the first star bandit group also know, they have a deep understanding again, Xia Ruo is a troublemaker.

Miao Ao also sent screenshots of various news to Xia Ruo.

"You did it on purpose, right?"

He looked at her convinced and said: "Mir wants to use Xingbo public opinion to force you not to return to the central star, and the people from your Bio-Mech Research Institute over there secretly pushed the flames, and you deliberately let them jump After that, jump out and slap your face."

"Now the public opinion and the whole people of Central Star are on your side, and what you have done is really beautiful."

In this way, if Xia Ruo goes back, not only will she not have to pay attention to the pressure of the Biological Mecha Institute with righteousness and the like, but she will share the technology of the super mecha, and she will go back.

At that time, it will not be up to her to do whatever she pleases, and no one has the right to blame her, after all, she is a victim of continuous persecution by biological mecha research.

Xia Ruo leisurely drank the freshly squeezed juice, "Yes! Although I want to come to the headquarters of the First Star Bandit Group to have fun, I can't forgive them for colluding with kidnapping and blackmailing me. If I don't make up for it, I'm so upset!"

"Mir thought that by intentionally releasing the public opinion that I made a contribution to the creation of super mechs here, I would be able to turn my back on the central star? He asked the mecha division of the research institute over there to contact secretly to find evidence of the navy , my family Feng Rogue can also find it together."

Miao Ao raised his eyebrows, "Then why didn't you put them together?"

"I'm still in their territory now, so I can't play too much, otherwise it would be embarrassing to meet!" Xia Ruo shook the cup and said.

Miao Ao gave her a white look, "Are you afraid? It's too fake, don't tease me!"

If she was afraid, she wouldn't let Feng Yan post the video on Xingbo and post the evidence of collusion that he found.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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