Shui Yini and Luo Ning never expected that things would develop to such a point, they were actually all ready to be group picked.

But how come there are so many well-known young and old who are one of the best in the imperial capital, and they all support Xia Ruo.

But at this time, I also understand that Xia Ruo is not easy!

Shui Yini also smiled and said: "Xia Ruoxiong will definitely win!"

She believes in the learning ability of Xue Shen very much. Although she has no confidence in her heart, she must cheer up her own people.

Luo Ning also smiled slightly: "Come on!"

Today, the two stood up twice to support Xia Ruo. It was nice to meet such a roommate, and they regarded the two of them as friends.

"Okay, watch it!" Xia Ruo walked to the bar with a confident glow all over her body.

"Can I borrow your bar counter and bartending materials?"

Although the bartender was not happy that his level was questioned, but in view of the deterrence of those few, he made a gesture of invitation with a good attitude, "Of course there is no problem!"

It took him ten years to learn and practice bartending, and another six years to study Blue Dream, and made this cocktail the most popular on the street. He didn't believe that this girl could surpass herself.

If that's the case, he'll be convinced, but it's more likely that she will just talk about it.

Seeing that Xia Ruozhen went to the bar, the other people present were all dumbfounded. This woman actually gambled with this. Is it really easy to call out Blue Dream?

They shook their heads again and again, they were indeed too young, and too blindly confident in themselves!

If it weren't for Huo Tianhao and the others, there would definitely be a lot of ridicule, but now they only dare to say a few words in their hearts, but dare not speak out.

Xia Ruo first picked up the shaker and added the wine base ingredients, then added the auxiliary ingredients skillfully and shook it a few times, adding continuously.

It looks better than the previous bartender's skills, and he is beautiful, which is very pleasing to the eye.

Her speed was very fast, and when the lid was shaken at the end, the original white wine instantly turned blue from the bottom little by little, and it was rendered with a psychedelic faint colorful color, really like a dreamy color.

This is what the previous bartender failed to do.

Xia Ruo poured the wine into several glasses separately, remixed it again, and continued to pour it into several glasses.

It's just that there is not much wine in each glass, about two sips, and it is also for everyone present to taste the taste. If only Huo Tianhao and a few people try it, someone may say that she cheated.

"Please bring everyone a glass!" Xia Ruo said to the waiter as there were many people in the bar.

The waiter nodded: "Okay!"

The wine was distributed to those present on a tray, and the first ones were naturally Huo Tianhao's group.

Di Hao picked up the wine glass and shook it, the blue liquid in the glass instantly turned into colorful stars with bubbles.

"Looking at the color alone, this is more like a blue dream!" He said truthfully.

Then he took a sip, and instantly felt that his whole mood had changed, and his mental strength even moved slightly, as if he was flying in a blue and colorful dream world.

He came back to his senses after the wine was gone, and his eyes widened: "Oh my God! My mental strength just now really felt the blue dream world."

Hearing what he said, the others felt that this guy started to exaggerate in order to protect Xia Ruo. How is this possible? However, some curious ones took a sip.

After returning to their senses one after another, in addition to shock, their eyes were unbelievable!

Continue at 12 o'clock~~~

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