Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1780 Eyeing Feng Yan

Xia Ruo felt a little uneasy after watching the surveillance.

Miao Ao went to the Zhili battle group to deal with matters in the morning, and came directly to Xia Ruo at noon.

After entering the door, seeing her looking a little unhappy, she couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you? Didn't go well to the Institute of Pharmacy today?"

He heard that she had successfully passed the level of being lonely and perverted!

Xia Ruo thought for a while, and called up the monitoring playback, "You can watch it for yourself."

Miao Ao sat down inexplicably, and sat alone in the living room after watching the video, his expression was a bit ugly.

"This pervert really kept Milo in captivity." Miao Ao still felt a little disgusted when he recalled the scene he saw just now.

He has worked with Mir as an assistant for so many years, so he naturally knows that the pervert likes men, and he often goes to the city that never sleeps, imprisoning many men of different ages in private.

Once showed covetousness to him even more, and wanted to seduce him, but was rejected and alienated by him decisively.

Because of his background, the pervert didn't dare to do anything, so he could only give up.

Although the pervert didn't do anything to Milo in front of him, he had some guesses.

Just guessing and seeing it with his own eyes made his mood fluctuate quite a bit.

After seeing Miao Ao finished, Xia Ruocai brought out a glass of water from the kitchen and handed it to him, "Did you see the look in Milo's eyes?"

Miao Ao nodded: "I see, he is willing, but there is no way to hide!"

Milo was brought by Milo from Prison Star, and he has been kept by his side since then. He has no background and ability to resist, so he can only hold back his hatred.

Xia Ruo also sympathizes with Mi Luo, meeting such an adoptive father is the worst thing in life.

When the two were talking, Xia Ruo's bracelet moved again.

She clicked on the monitor, and Mi Luo was already in the work room at this time, and Mi Luo, who was covered in bruises, was secretly sent back by his life assistant.

The assistant came back at this time, "Master, the robot has already dealt with his injury! It's just that his injury is a bit serious this time, and it may take a week or two to recover."

Mir took a sip of a glass of wine and said, "Let's keep it, I'm a little tired of him, and I resisted at first, but now it's like a log, and it's getting more and more boring!"

"It would be great if Qi wasn't the chief's son, the taste must be delicious!" He said with a regretful face.

The assistant bowed his head and dared not speak. If Master Mir dared to use force against Qi Shao, the chief might destroy their research institute in the same day.

Mir also knew this, so he could only give up regretfully, "It's a pity that Xia Ruo is a woman, otherwise such a genius is my favorite."

"However, she has a good eye for finding men. If it weren't for reading her information, I wouldn't be able to find something more palatable."

He smiled pervertedly, "Have you found that Feng Yan? His smell should not be worse than Qi. Whether it's his appearance and figure, his genius strength, or the unruly wild smell on his body, I like them all."

He likes to conquer such geniuses.

The assistant immediately replied respectfully: "Feng Yan led the team to destroy the Prisoner Star and then disappeared. Our people are using the latest trajectory restoration technology to decipher the route of their disappearance. The result should be available soon."

"The two leaders also agreed. As long as they can find Feng Yan and his team, after they are captured, they will secretly send Feng Yan to you."

Mir's face turned slightly better, "Okay, you guys speed up the deciphering, I can't wait!"


After watching the surveillance video, not only Miao Ao's face was ugly, but Xia Ruo also exuded this rare hostility.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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