Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1782 None should exist

Xia Ruo also tried to get Mir's hair before, but that pervert is very defensive, not easy to approach, and has high requirements for image, and there will be no hair on the clothes.

And Mir never eats with them, he always prepares his own checked nutrient solution.

This pervert is very capable of restraining himself. It can be seen that there are probably many people who want to kill him, so he has to guard against it.

Milo had the opportunity to get close to the pervert, whether it was drugging or getting hair, it was easier than others.

Hearing that the pervert could be killed so easily, Miao Ao nodded: "I'll find a time and opportunity to talk to Milo."

"Well, if he agrees, give him the powder." Xia Ruo felt that Milo would not refuse.

This matter was left to Miao Ao.

The next day, Xia Ruo drove Miao Ao's hover car to the Institute of Pharmacy.

Lonely Yu had already ordered his assistant, so when Xia Ruo arrived, she was taken to the studio.

In addition to Lonely Yu, there are also three S-level pharmacy masters.

Lone Yu briefly introduced the three of them to Xia Ruo, and then led them into the improvement project.

Maybe Xia Ruo has been regarded as a test subject that he can completely control, so Lonely Yu did not hide it, but directly took out the formula of the gene-changing medicine.

"The first batch and the second batch of medicine were produced, and some side effects occurred respectively. Our goal now is to continue to improve!"

He pressed a switch in the studio, and a door suddenly appeared on the wall.

He walked in with a few people.

It consists of many laboratories, and there are many living experimenters.

What shocked Xia Ruo was that all the living bodies were used for experiments on human beings.

Some people who were locked in the experimental room seemed to have completely lost their minds, like wild beasts, constantly trying to break free from the restraints of their hands and feet, hitting their heads against the wall and so on.

Some of the people locked up in the laboratory had ulcers all over their bodies.

There are also people in the laboratory that look completely different, and their appearance has become neither human nor ghost.

This is the living body that failed the genetic medicine experiment, and the daily research data is still hung on the door of each laboratory.

Lonely Yu introduced Xia Ruo indifferently, and the other three pharmacy masters were not surprised.

After Xia Ruo came here now, what she saw and heard really overturned many of her cognitions.

No wonder Miao Ao would say that this is a dirty place that people can't help but want to destroy. People who are outstanding in various fields, if their psychology and behavior themselves are normal, it is impossible for them to choose to join the First Star Bandit Group.

Seeing this laboratory, she could completely understand Miao Ao's feelings.

Neither Prisoner Star, Nightless Kingdom, nor this place should exist.

She endured the disgust and carefully read all the data in each experiment room.

After walking to the last experimental room, Xia Ruo found that there was a huge space inside, with hundreds of people sitting there, their eyes glazed over, which seemed abnormal at all.

Xia Ruo probed with her mental power and found that their minds seemed to be controlled, "Are they also the sequelae of taking genetic modification drugs?"

"It's about the same. These are the experimental products of the genetic modification agent before it was formed. They are the first batch of failures. Don't pay attention to this." Lonely Yu said without changing his face.

Xia Ruo suddenly remembered what that old pervert Mir said before, these people should most likely be the test subjects of the control medicine that Lonely Yu made.

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