Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1785 Could it be Xia Xing?

The famous SS-class mech master Mir who moved the entire star field suddenly died suddenly today.

The No. 1 Star Thief Group couldn't hide this news at all. Mill's death was too unexpected, and the occasion was too inopportune.

Today, the city that never sleeps has prepared a press conference for super mechs, which was organized by Mir.

Mir was speaking on stage at the time, and there were reporters below him, and a live broadcast was also launched on the Star Network.

But while he was talking, he suddenly fell to the ground clutching his chest, his eyes were bulging, and he bled to death from seven holes.

There were doctors at the scene, but when they went up to rescue him, Mir's breath of life had already dissipated.

This was a major event, which shocked the entire senior management of the city that never sleeps.

The big leader personally ordered a thorough investigation, because Mir's death was too inexplicable.

The results of the instrumental examination showed that he had a cerebral hemorrhage caused by myocardial infarction, and then died suddenly, and no toxins were found on his body.

But his identity is not simple, and he is also the strongest mech master of the First Star Thief Group, it is impossible to draw a final conclusion just because of such an instrument inspection.

So with the consent of the big leader and several leaders, the forensic doctor performed an autopsy on Master Mir.

Those who participated were not only the best forensic doctor in the city that never sleeps, but also several doctors with the highest level.

However, the results of the autopsy were still the same. No toxins or harmful substances were found in Mir's body, which also meant that he did not die from poisoning.

Ke Mier is a twelfth-level supernatural user, and he usually undergoes regular physical examinations every year. It is impossible for him to suddenly develop such symptoms and die suddenly.

The last forensic doctor extracted an acidic substance from his blood, which may be the culprit that caused Master Mir's sudden heartache and cerebral hemorrhage.

But how this thing came about, how it got into Master Mir's blood, or whether it was there in the first place, no one can judge.

The results of the test also showed that it was impossible for this thing to exist in the human body for more than ten days, which also ruled out some suspects, such as Xia Ruo.

Yes, Master Mier died suddenly immediately, and many people couldn't help but put their doubts on Xia Ruo, who made her so wicked.

Originally, the SS-level mecha grand master died suddenly and unexpectedly. It is impossible for Everbright City to announce such a thing, at least not now.

Ke Mier died in public, and it was broadcast live at the time, so it was really impossible to hide it.

Because of this, the Institute of Biological Mechs in the city that never sleeps can only officially announce the matter, so as not to be exploited by those who want to.

Soon, people in the central star and several other major star regions also knew the news of the sudden death of a generation of great masters.

Like many people in the city that never sleeps, no matter whether it is the high-level executives of Central Star or many netizens, they all have only one thought in their hearts. This matter can't be caused by Xia, right?

It is really Xia Ruo who has done so many important things in the No. 1 Star Thief Group, as long as there is a trouble, everyone can't help but think of her.

Moreover, this kind of inexplicable sudden death is absolutely impossible without any tricks, and Xia Ruo knows more about the magical and mysterious ancient medical skills, so it is very likely that she will do it.

However, except for the rhythmic people, most people chose to remain silent. They doubted in their hearts but could not speak out. Otherwise, what would they do if Xia Ruo was hurt?

There are still many high-level executives in the central star who tried to test Yun Fengyang and others, but they dealt with it hahaha, and their suspicions deepened.

Of course, doubts are doubts, and they all chose to remain silent. If Xia Ruo really killed the other party's SS-level grand master, it would be really beautiful!

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