Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1794 He is leading wolves into the house

Not only did Xia Ruo do this, but she also specifically said it in the video, just to warn some perverts who want to specially configure potions to harm people, there will be no good rewards if they do so.

Anyway, she has already played too much, and she doesn't care anymore.

After a while, she followed the battle group here to the low-level civilization star domain. After disappearing for a while, the impact should be minimized when she comes back.

After the recording, Xia Ruo tied Lonely Yu to the chair that restrained her before, and woke him up with a needle.

At this time, Lonely Yu's initial effects of the medicine had passed, and although his whole body was still feeling sore and weak, he could still speak.

"Xia Ruo, what are you going to do, I warn you to let me go, otherwise I will definitely make your life worse than death." When he woke up, he couldn't help but look at Xia Ruo with hatred.

After he is safe, the guard team at the city that never sleeps must arrest this dead girl, and then use various means to torture her to death.

Xia Ruo sneered: "Let you go? You are dreaming."

"Do you know why I woke you up?" She looked at Lonely Yu with a half-smile and a half-smile.

Lonely Yu always felt that Xia Ruo's eyes implied something bad, and his rare spirit tensed up, "What exactly do you want?"

"Not much, I just want to do one thing, to destroy this dirty place." Xia Ruo said calmly, crossing her arms.

Lonely Yu stared wide-eyed, if eyes could eat people, Xia Ruo would have been killed countless times, "How dare you!"

"You still refuse to accept the reality after you look like this. It seems that you are not very good." Xia Ruo walked to the console, moved her fingers, and soon a surveillance video of the entire Pharmacy Research Institute appeared in the room.

"Principal Lonely, I don't know if you've ever seen fireworks. If you haven't seen them with your own eyes, you can enjoy them to your heart's content later." Xia Ruo felt that such a perverted person probably didn't have the romantic cells to watch the fireworks.

Lonely Yu did not read it, but he knew what it meant, and he tried to struggle but failed.

He endured the overwhelming anger, and finally suppressed his emotions and only said to soften, "Xia Ruo, what do you want? I can satisfy you if you say it, don't be impulsive!"

"I'm not impulsive at all, I just want to watch the Institute of Pharmacy turn into fireworks!" Xia Ruo walked over, and put a sealing sticker on Lonely Yu's mouth, so as to save him from yelling and letting people outside hear .

Lonely Yu whimpered and wanted to shout, but it was too late, he suddenly regretted waking up the first time, why he didn't shout first.

Then he could only watch helplessly, Xia Ruo pasted something like paper on his body, and then the whole person disappeared, he felt very unreal.

Then watching the door being opened and closed, he could see from the surveillance that the idiot guarding the door outside had discovered it, but he was indifferent and almost vomited blood from his anger.

Then he continued to watch papers similar to Xia Ruo's appearing in many corners. He felt that there must be a big problem with this thing, and it would not be simple.

But now he couldn't resist, and the bad premonition in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, even with a sense of palpitation and danger that he had never felt before.

Only now did he feel that if that dead girl really wanted to do something big, she might ruin his whole life's hard work.

Now he still doesn't understand that Mir's death was definitely done by this dead girl.

He regretted and hated at the same time, feeling that he was leading a wolf into the house, and he had underestimated Xia Ruo too much before.

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