Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1797 Xia Ruo really did it?

Miao Ao didn't delay, changed his clothes and went out.

When he arrived at the entrance of the Institute of Pharmacy, he saw his father standing not far away, surrounded by many high-level officials in the city that never sleeps.

On the ruins in the distance, people from the guards and the Zhili battle group were digging, looking for any survivors.

He got out of the car and walked over.

With a bit of eagerness on his face, he first asked, "How's it going?"

Miao Kun's face was still gloomy, "Xia Ruo hasn't been dug up yet, but none of the people dug up so far have survived."

Miao Ao thought to himself that Xia Ruo would definitely not show mercy, those perverts shouldn't be alive.

"I'll go and have a look!" After he finished speaking, without waiting for Miao Kun's reaction, he took out the mecha and drove it, then rushed into the ruins.

On the surface, he was going to look for Xia Ruo, but in fact, he was going to have a look. If he met someone alive, he would help to deal with the aftermath.

Miao Kun watched his son leave in the mecha, and sighed, "This kid!"

From his son's performance, he also believed that he didn't know about it.

The expressions of the others were difficult to distinguish. For such a sudden incident today, the first thing they thought of when they arrived was Xia Ruo's fault.

But looking at Miao Ao's appearance, he was a little uncertain.

It's better not to be Xia Ruo's doing it, otherwise they will ignore Yun Fengyang and insist on killing her.

After a long search and rescue, the entire ruined research institute was turned upside down.

Almost all the pharmacy masters inside were dead. There were injured people, but they were slaughtered by Miao Ao, but the people outside didn't know.

The only survivor is the lonely Yu who was rescued by the escort and has been completely changed.

Lonely Yu watched his life's painstaking efforts being ruined, and spurted out a mouthful of old blood on the spot.

Because Xia Ruotie's defensive talisman was in the experimental room where he was, he suffered the least impact from the explosion. He was just submerged in the building and suffered some minor injuries.

At this time, his eyes were full of scarlet, and he was helped to walk in front of Miao Kun and others.

"President Lonely, what's going on?" It was the first time Miao Kun saw him in such a panic.

Lonely Yu's face was full of anger and hatred, which even made people look a bit hideous, "Xia Ruo, it was all done by that dead girl Xia Ruo."

"What? Really Xia Ruo did it?" A senior executive exclaimed.

Although I was so skeptical in my heart, I couldn't help being shocked when I heard the result.

"How did she do it?" This was the question in everyone's mind.

Lonely Yu roughly told what Xia Ruo had done, and did not hide the fact that he wanted to give Xia Ruo the control potion, but was finally beaten back.

After all, he has become neither a human nor a ghost now, and he will have to rely on the treatment methods from the Nightless City to survive in the future. All his hard work has been ruined, and the embarrassment and the like are not so important.

After listening to Lone Yu's words, everyone present was silent for a moment.

They really didn't expect that Xia Ruo had such a means, not only escaped Lonely Yu's control, but also made this great master look like a ghost.

Most importantly, under the eyes of so many people, the entire pharmaceutical research institute was blown up.

"How did she blow up the Pharmacy Research Institute? Putting energy bombs or something? It's not possible!" A high-level person asked suspiciously.

When Lonely Yu thought of Xia Ruo's methods, she still felt a little unacceptable, "She can stick a kind of paper on her body, and then the whole person disappears. Sticking many other kinds of paper on the wall can cause Explosion, and the power of the explosion is no worse than an energy bomb."

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