Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 180 Hidden Really Deep

Huo Jian went offline, and Xia Jun and others couldn't stay in the bar any longer. It would be no good if they were targeted by Zhai Hao, so Qiqi went offline.

Before going offline, Xia Jun gave Xia Ruo a complicated and resentful look. He never knew that this cousin had such tricks.

Is the previous cowardice and introversion all pretending? Hidden really deep!

On the one hand, I feel that it is a pity, if the Xia family can catch up with these young and old, why worry about the slow development? Because of this, Xia Ruoliang felt more and more cold and cold.

Xia Ruo caught Xia Jun's eyes, and couldn't feel a wave of emotion in her heart. For her, Xia Jun didn't even qualify as an enemy.

She will also slowly tidy up the Xia family and play!

Huo Tianhao prefers to drink, two drinks are not enough for him to fit his teeth.

So he smiled and stepped forward and said, "Little Ruoruo, besides this blue dream, you must make other cocktails, right? How about making another one for the brothers to try?"

Jiang Ji also echoed: "Yes! Those two just had fun at all!"

"We want to drink too!" Zhai Hao raised his hand.

Shui Yi Ni also raised her hand, "We do too!"

Today these people stood beside her, Xia Ruo naturally wouldn't spoil everyone's interest, thought about the egg yolk and orange juice in the bar, smiled and said: "Okay, then I'll make you a glass of golden sunshine!"

So when she walked to the bar, the bartender offered to give up her seat and stared at her movements intently.

Soon the upper layer of the glass was glowing with gold, and the lower layer was a blue and white cocktail. She asked the waiter to bring it over.

This time, other people will not be lucky, and can only watch eagerly from all sides.

Huo Tianhao and the others sat at Xia Ruo's table, and each took a glass as soon as the wine was served.

Xia Ruo also came over and sat down at this time, picked up her own glass and said with a smile: "This wine will only taste good after being shaken like this!"

She shook the wine glass very rhythmically and tiltedly, and gradually everyone saw that the golden light on the upper layer gathered together and turned into a golden red. Cloud cover is average.

"It's so beautiful!" Shui Yini stared at the glass and sighed.

Xia Ruo raised her wine glass and took a sip, "This way you can drink it!"

Everyone couldn't help shaking the wine glass according to her movements and frequency. Although the effect was much worse than what she made, it also felt like the sun was shining on the clouds.

Then they all raised their wine glasses and took a sip. Suddenly, a sweet taste lingered on the tip of their tongues, and their spiritual power still resonated and fluctuated, as if they were bathed in the sun instantly and felt warm all over their bodies.

The warm feeling was still there when I came back to my senses.

"Nice!" Di Hao gave a thumbs up, "After drinking two glasses of wine you mixed, I don't think the ones I drank before were not cocktails!"

Shui Yini agreed too much, "That's right, I've been drinking for nothing for so many years!"

Huo Tianhao and Jiang Ji just came out of that feeling, "Good wine, it's the first time I've had a cocktail with this feeling, it echoes the name, it's perfect!"

Xia Ruo smiled, "Thank you for the compliment, I will make new products for you when I have a chance someday!"

"Let's make another glass today." Zhai Hao watched eagerly, taking another sip of the wine in the glass.

Xia Ruo laughed: "I can't make it today, I can make other drinks, and they don't have enough ingredients here!"

"That's it!" Di Hao and the others were not disappointed, "Then in the real world, you can buy us a drink."

Xia Ruo nodded generously, "No problem!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~~

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