Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1800 Like a father, like a daughter

Miao Kun looked at Miao Zheng and Miao Jun with bad eyes.

"What's the matter with you two? Why did you think of introducing Xia Ruo to the two major research institutes?"

"..." At this moment, Miao Zheng and Miao Jun suddenly felt chills. Their father's heart was too partial. Aren't they biological?

In order to pick Miao Ao out, the old man took the initiative to push them out. Is this something my father can do?

Is there such a big difference between the son of the main wife and the son of the concubine?

Miao Zheng didn't want to take the blame either, "I sent Xia Ruo to the Institute of Pharmacy, which was entrusted by Dean Lone, not recommended by me."

Miao Jun immediately lost the blame, "I sent Xia Ruo to the Bio-Mech Research Institute, and it was also entrusted by Master Mir. He liked Xia Ruo's attainments in intelligent biological mechs, and that's why I invited him here."

They didn't expect that the one who originally wanted to use Xia Ruo to contain Miao Ao, would not be able to lose money by stealing chickens.

Miao Ao took control of the Mech Research Institute, and the Biology Research Institute was blown up. Not only did they get nothing, but they also suffered serious losses.

Hearing the two sons' refusal, Miao Kun didn't hold on anymore.

Although he doesn't like other sons, he is also his kind after all.

"Search for Xia Ruo in the whole city, and don't let her escape!" He ordered the guards and the Zhili battle group.

Suddenly thinking of the difference between Miao Ao and Xia Ruo, he looked at Miao Ao and said, "You should rest for a while now, let the deputy head do the task of catching Xia Ruo."

Miao Ao said indifferently: "Okay, I also want to avoid suspicion, lest someone wants to make me take the blame."

"..." The high-level people present held back their anger one by one. If Miao Ao was innocent, they would cut off his head.

It's a pity that this guy and Xia Ruo are too cunning, they deliberately didn't have much involvement from the very beginning, it was definitely intentional, and they couldn't produce any evidence.

And just looking at the attitude of the big leader, it was obvious that this was to cover up Miao Ao to the end, and there was nothing they could do about it.

So the entire city that never sleeps was mobilized to search for Xia Ruo.

Knowing that Xia Ruo had a talisman that could make him invisible, it was very difficult to search for it.

The guards were still watching Miao Ao, and even applied to search his home.

During the search, they also brought a top-end life-sensing instrument.

Miao Ao was going to get angry and refuse, but Xia Ruo let him accept it frankly.

Only then did he let the person in with a cold face. The other party took a lot of various instruments and searched the entire villa three times before leading him away.

However, this villa can be regarded as temporarily clearing the suspicion of harboring Xia Ruo.

After the people left, Miao Ao went back and saw Xia Ruo sitting leisurely in the living room.

"how did you do that?"

"I can use gold needles to block a few acupuncture points, causing a state of suspended animation, and naturally there will be no fluctuations in the breath of life." Xia Ruo replied with a smile.

Miao Ao didn't even know what to say, this woman's tricks are really endless.

"You are amazing!" he said angrily.

Those people searched again and again just now, which made him quite nervous.

It's not that I'm afraid of getting involved, but I'm afraid that those people will really search out Xia Ruo and take her away.

"You're probably going to create a myth about your father again!" Miao Ao knew that even if those people turned the entire city that never sleeps, it would be impossible to find her.

Xia Ruo said proudly: "Of course, like a father, like a daughter!"

Come to Nightless City to wander around, no matter what, she can't lose her father's prestige.

Today’s update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ I haven’t finished the opening chapter of my age essay, I guess I’m going to write another topic, and then I’m stuck in a tangle, old sayings, interstellar and the end of the world, women disguised as men, okay Hesitant, woo woo~~

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