Yun Fengyang knew that this was a temptation from the two leaders.

He smiled indifferently and said: "With my strength, what do you think will interest me in the low-level civilized star field?"

"It's just that I want to accompany my family, Ruoruo, and go down to have fun together."

He looked at the second leader meaningfully and continued: "It also saves me from being bullied accidentally."

"..." The second leader's face darkened. Yun Fengyang's words were mocking him for his lack of strength, so he was interested in low-level literary stars, and he also implied that he would bully Xia Ruo. Although it was true, why did he let him do that? Not happy.

He said with a half smile: "Director Yun is worrying too much, Miss Xia is so powerful, who can bully her!"

Originally, he planned to let people deliberately cause some accident and kill Miao Ao and Xia Ruo when they were in the low-level civilized star field, but now that the bastard Yun Fengyang is here, it may be impossible.

Even he has to be on guard, Yun Fengyang and these guys play tricks, it's really tiring!

But thinking of his hole card this time, he was relieved and he was not so nervous anymore.

"My daughter is really powerful, she's not like those second- and third-generation useless idiots in the city that never sleeps, but I still have to take care of her, my daughter is very precious." Yun Fengyang said proudly.

"..." The faces of the second leader and the others were even uglier. This guy is too shameless. While praising his daughter, he also deliberately belittled the third generation of their Everbright City. I feel aggrieved!

But they are right, compared to Xia Ruolai, the second and third generations on their side are really incompetent.

I have to talk to all the high-level executives well, and I can no longer indulge these guys in the future, so as not to become more and more useless, and let them lose face when they come out.

The second leader and Yun Fengyang had dealt with each other several times before, but they had never gained the upper hand, so he didn't want to keep his heart blocked.

"Director Yun, let your people get ready and set off in half an hour. I'll go back to the battleship first. If you need anything, contact me through the communicator!" He took a deep breath and said.

Yun Fengyang waved his hand, "Okay, I'll contact you if there's anything to do!"

The two leaders then left with their own people, while Miao Ao went to Xia Ruo's side as if chatting, and ignored them at all.

Seeing such a situation, several people vomited blood even more. If Miao Ao, a guy who eats inside and out, hadn't been pampered by the chief, they would have killed him a long time ago.

It's just that no matter how upset they are, they have nothing to do with Miao Ao for the time being, they can only hope that after going on, there will be an accident, so that Miao Ao will never come back.

Yun Fengyang, this damn guy, what kind of fun is a king-level supernatural being going to join in the fun, thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable.

After the two leaders left with the people, Miao Ao said to Yun Fengyang: "This time they hired a king-level supernatural person to hide in the team. It should be to guard against and contain you."

This matter was revealed by his father, otherwise he would not have known that the second leader had such a hole card, no wonder he looked very confident.

Yun Fengyang somewhat guessed, "Do you know who is following?"

He still knows about the king-level supernatural beings in the city that never sleeps.

Miao Ao replied: "Great Master Leihu!"

Yun Fengyang raised his eyebrows, "It's really beyond my expectation that the second leader can actually invite Lei Hu here."

Seeing his father's fearful look, Xia Ruo asked, "Dad, is this Leihu the SS-level forging master in Evernight City?"

Yun Fengyang nodded: "That's right, this person is also a big pervert. Not only is he obsessed with forging, he also likes to forge with living people as materials. His methods are very vicious and bloody."

"I'll simulate his general breath in a moment. After you feel it, stay away from him when you see him."

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