Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1824 How dare you do this?

The second leader wanted to escape, how could Xia Ruo and others let them do so.

It is impossible for them to give the second leader a chance to come back, and the four fronts continue to work without hesitation.

A huge spiritual force shrouded the four fronts, and the fleeing mechas of the enemy stopped immediately, and the mecha fighters above felt that the blood in their bodies was about to freeze.

It was also because of this that Feng Yan and the others successfully caught up with the mecha brigade.

Suddenly, another huge spiritual force descended, intertwined with the previous spiritual force and began to fight.

After the mecha fighters of the first star bandit group recovered, they thought about continuing to escape, but unfortunately it was too late.

"Yun Feiyang, as a king-level power user, isn't it against the rules for you to make such a move?" A cold snort sounded.

Yun Fengyang also had a cold voice, "Is it in line with the rules for you to lead an army to invade and occupy low-level civilizations? But it's just the law of the jungle."

"Lei Hu, come out now that you are here, I want to compete with you too." Yun Fengyang walked out of the starry sky first.

Soon, a burly red-haired man tore through the space and came out.

His burning eyes fell on Yun Fengyang, "I have never forged it with a king-level superhuman, your flesh and blood are very strong, suitable for the knife I want to forge."

Yun Fengyang sneered: "Just to see if you have that ability, let me be your forging material!"

Fearing that it would affect the battlefield not far away, Yun Fengyang tore open a crack in space, "Come!"

After he finished speaking, he walked in first, Lei Hu paused, and then walked in.

Xia Ruo couldn't help but feel worried when she saw her father bring that perverted king-level supernatural user into the crack of space.

But at that level of battle, they can't help.

The mecha fighters of the first star bandit group who were surrounded were desperate and ruthless.

Since you are going to die, then take Feng Yan and others to die together, they are always ready to explode their mechs.

While they were waiting for the captain's order to blew themselves up, a projection suddenly appeared on the quadrilateral battlefield.

On a battleship, Miao Ao held a supernatural sword and put it on the necks of the two leaders, and said indifferently: "Everyone put down your weapons and surrender, otherwise your leader will only have three feet of blood spattered."

When he gained an absolute advantage on the third front, he sneaked back to the battleship where the second leader was.

Because he is the deputy commander, he has the authority to enter the battleship.

Coupled with the invisibility talisman given by Xia Ruo, the second leader never thought that he would fall back to his carbine.

The second leader stared at Miao Ao fiercely, "I can understand if Xia Ruo and the others betrayed, but why did you betray? Don't forget that you are a member of the first star bandit group, maybe you will be the future leader. Dare to do this?"

Miao Ao stretched out his hand and patted his face, "Why don't I dare, my mother said who caused the death, why should I sabotage your plan, you don't have any clues in your heart?"

The second leader was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed, "So you know!"

"Nonsense!" Miao Ao was too lazy to chatter with him, looking at the big screen and said, "If you choose to surrender, your leader will live, or if you blew yourself up, your leader will die?"

"Surrender, I can promise to keep you alive!" he promised.

Life can live, but Xia Ruo can prescribe medicine, so that these people can no longer drive the mech as a disaster.

Xia Ruo understood Miao Ao's meaning in seconds, and said, "As long as you surrender, you will be spared!"

If these people really let these people blew up their mechs, there would definitely be a lot of casualties on their side.

The members of the No. 1 Star Thief Group, who had already given birth to a fighting spirit and were about to die, first saw their leader captured, and then heard that they could survive. The desperate momentum was like a punctured balloon.

Can live, who really wants to die!

So in the end, without the orders of the two leaders, they put down their weapons and surrendered.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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