Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1827 In-law meeting

Soon all the battleships entered the atmosphere of Federation Star, and all defenses were withdrawn here.

One is the trust in Xia Ruo and Feng Yan; the other is that this level of defense cannot stop the opponent's battleship.

The warship landed at a fixed terminal. As soon as Xia Ruo and the others landed, they saw that the top management of the Federation was already waiting not far away.

Seeing a couple with outstanding temperament standing beside Xia Ruo, Feng Baixuan walked over with a smile.

"Mr. Yun and Ms. Xia, hello, I am Feng Yan's father, Feng Baixuan!" He smiled and held out his hand.

At this moment, he is not the head of the Federation, but just a father.

Yun Fengyang and Xia Hanyue smiled and shook hands with Feng Baixuan.

"I'm Ruoruo's father." Yun Fengyang restrained his arrogance in front of Feng Baixuan, just like an ordinary in-law.

Xia Hanyue smiled and said, "I'm Ruoruo's mother, thank you Mr. Feng for taking care of her earlier."

Feng Baixuan laughed heartily, "Haha, we are all one family, as it should be!"

"The Federation has prepared a state banquet, and my old man has also prepared a family banquet. Which side should you attend first?" Feng Baixuan could tell that Xia Ruo's parents had a high status in the high-level literary star field. You may not be too interested in rewarding things.

Sure enough, Yun Fengyang said with a smile: "We husband and wife came down this time mainly to meet you first, so we won't participate in the state banquet."

"Okay, I'll arrange for you to go to Feng's house right away!" Feng Boxuan had already had the car ready.

At this moment, Yun Fengyu and Yun Fengyu also got off from another battleship after arranging the battle group.

"This is my second brother Yun Fengyu, and this is my third brother Yun Fengyu."

"This is Feng Yan's father!"

After Yun Fengyang introduced each other, Xia Ruo ran to bring Gu Gu and others over.

At the same time, she introduced to Feng Baixuan, "Uncle Feng, this is my teacher, and these are my senior brothers. They are all masters of mecha manufacturing."

"They are my friends." Then Yan Xiu and others were introduced.

"They don't want to attend the state banquet, so I'll trouble you to arrange it!"

Feng Baixuan greeted each of them in a personable manner, and then said with a smile: "Then let's go to the Feng family's old house to have a light meal first."

"I've made arrangements for the hotel too!" The Feng family's old house can accommodate so many people, but he is restrained by the other party, so he has booked the top hotel on the Federation side for Xia Ruo's relatives and friends to stay.

As for the mecha fighters of the war group, they also arranged a relatively high-end hotel.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Okay! I haven't seen Grandpa Feng and Grandma Feng for a long time, and I miss them too."

Feng Baixuan was not surprised, and asked with a smile: "Aren't you going to the state banquet, too?"

You must know that many people want to meet Xia Ruo now.

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "I won't go, Feng Yan can be the representative, I'll go to your office tomorrow, let's have a good talk."

The state banquet is not a place for conversation, and she has to entertain people who come to support.

"Okay, then if you take Mr. Yun and the others back to the old house of the Feng family first, Feng Yan and I will be back soon." As a leader, such a banquet cannot be avoided.

At this time, Feng Yan also arranged for the mech fighters of the Flame Wind Team to come over with his two brothers.

Feng Baixuan asked Feng Yi to accompany Yun Fengyang and others back to the old house, while he said hello and took Feng Yan and Feng Yan to the state banquet.

The so-called state banquet is actually equal to a celebration banquet.

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