Xia Ruo also clicked on the terminal and looked at the ten courses. There are popular professional subjects and some unpopular ones.

Pharmacy, mecha manufacturing and maintenance, actual combat training, material analysis research, energy analysis research, mecha combat, native plant material research, magic pattern manufacturing, blacksmithing, classical music.

The registration fee for each subject is different, such as the popular mecha, potion and magic pattern department, the registration fee for one semester is 30,000 star coins, and the others are 20,000 star coins.

This price is actually much cheaper than outside, and the teaching is more practical.

It is also understandable. After all, the cost of the college is relatively large, and this is an elective course, and Cheng tutors cannot pay for nothing. The 50,000 star coins include all expenses, such as the cost of research materials, etc., which are not actually profitable.

However, it will also keep some people out of the door. There are actually quite a few civilians in the Second Academy.

Xia Ruo's eyes lit up when she saw the ten elective courses. Except for classical music, she was quite interested.

However, she plans to apply for all ten courses. If she wants to revive and promote the ancient Chinese civilization, she must first understand the current situation of classical music.

Jiang Zhi saw that many students were frowning, and told the latest news, "Don't worry, everyone, the college will provide some work-study positions. If you need it, you can go to the official website to apply!"

"The registration fee for elective courses can also be postponed for two months. For students who need to defer, the school has also given a week to consider. The registration quota will be finalized next Monday. You can click Temporary Registration and submit it before Monday. "

"However, if it is submitted, if it cannot be handed in after two months, it will be pulled into the blacklist of the college, and it will no longer be able to enjoy any benefits and preferential treatment system of the college."

"So when you tell the time, you still need to choose carefully according to your own situation!"

This is good news. There is a two-month turnaround time, and some people can still collect the registration fee.

Jiang Zhi, the head tutor of the department, taught the survival training class, and he quickly entered the class.

In the interstellar era, there is no need to distribute textbooks, and all learning content will be distributed on the terminal in the form of e-books.

Xia Ruo was not used to it at first, but soon got used to it.

The arrangement of the course is quite easy, two classes in the morning, one class in the afternoon, and two days of rest in the afternoon, you can take elective courses.

After the survival training class, the next class is the pharmacy class.

After a 20-minute break, Xia Ruo used the terminal to browse the electronic textbooks of the pharmacy class, and found that it was mainly about the identification and pharmacological cognition of some medicinal materials and plants.

Just watching, many acquaintances in the classroom started chatting.

She is a chaotic soul, not only has a superb memory, but can also use three things at once, so she listened casually.

"I didn't expect the elective courses to be so expensive. I still want to apply for material analysis and research. I heard that the salary of senior material engineers is relatively high."

"Aren't the salaries of pharmacists, mecha makers, and magic pattern masters higher?"

"That's a career that burns money. I can't even scrape together enough money to enroll in elective courses. I don't have the money to learn this. Besides, I'm not talented enough!"

"Yes! The registration fee is a stumbling block. How can I get 30,000 star coins?"

"You can apply for a work-study position in the college, and then go to work on weekends, maybe you can get it!"

"I clicked in just now and saw that there are many people applying for each work-study position, but the number of people required is limited, and I feel that there is little hope of being selected, and there are thousands of star coins a month, and two months are not enough to sign up for electives class!"

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