Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1831 How did this happen?

The senior executives present were stunned for a moment, completely unaware that there would be such a thing.

As Feng Yan's father, Feng Baixuan stood up first and said with a smile, "Can you still share the spoils?"

Starry Sky Beast King laughed out loud: "Haha, General Feng Zhan is refreshing!"

The new emperors of the other two countries also stood up, "If this is the case, we will not be polite!"

Although the number of mechas that Xia Ruo and the others brought down this time is not small, the number of mecha fighters in the four major alliance countries is also very considerable. Each country can only arm two or three elite battle groups.

Almost all of these elites were lost in the battle.

The enemy's firepower is very fierce, and the mechs are very advanced, so they are very happy to be able to share the spoils.

So a group of high-level officials followed Feng Yan and Xia Ruo on a battleship and flew out of the imperial capital.

Everyone came to a deserted star near the Federation, and when we went down, we saw hundreds of high-end warships moored from above, each with glowing eyes.

Soon the deputy captain of the Yanfeng team came over with someone.

"Report to the captain, all the wounded here have been treated, and the trophies have been cleaned up." He saluted Feng Yan.

Feng Yan smiled and nodded: "Let's bring out the soldiers who were rescued from various countries first, and let them go back to their own country after a while, so their families don't have to worry so much anymore!"

"Yes!" The deputy captain said through the communicator.

Then hundreds of thousands of mecha fighters got off from dozens of battleships. These people were all the people who were hit by the first star bandits before and fell down.

Because they were escorted by Yun Fengyang's mental clone, they basically survived, which they didn't expect.

The seriously injured people also recovered a lot under the treatment of the medical team brought by Xia Ruo, at least their lives were no longer in danger.

Seeing these people who had already entered the death list come out, the high-level officials of various countries couldn't help but widen their eyes, with a look of disbelief.

After a while, the new emperor of the Silver Dragon Empire couldn't help asking: "General Feng Zhan, how did you do it?"

At that time, he also participated in the first front. He watched the mechs of these people crash with his own eyes. How could he not die?

The other senior executives also looked at Feng Yan one after another, and they couldn't figure it out either.

Feng Yan smiled and explained, "It's all thanks to Ruoruo's father. He is a king-level supernatural being. Although his strength has been greatly suppressed since he came here, his mental power is still enormous."

"That's why Ruoruo asked her father to help catch the downed mechs from various countries. Our people waited in the starry sky below in a battleship. He sent them to the battleship for treatment by the medical team that had been prepared long ago."

Before that, Bo Ming had already popularized for the high-level leaders of the four major allied countries what level is above the tenth level, so everyone knows the awesomeness of the king-level supernatural powers.

Now hearing this, everyone looked at Xia Ruo with amazement and shock.

Although everyone was a little surprised how Xia Ruo's father became a king-level power user in the high-level literary star field, they were very smart and didn't ask, guessing that they might recognize it.

But this is also very good. For the loss of so many mech fighters before, the high-level leaders of various countries are still very sad and regretful.

Seeing that almost none of them died now, each of them couldn't help showing excitement.

"It's okay, Miss Xia, thank you so much!"

"Yes! Please also help us to express our gratitude to your father."

"It turns out that the king-level ability user is so strong, thanks to Miss Xia's foresight."

The high-level people from various countries couldn't help but watched Xia Ruo praise from the bottom of their hearts, and they were even more envious of Feng Baixuan. It was because this guy's son was so good that he found such a daughter-in-law for him.

At the same time, he couldn't help complaining about his son, why didn't he have a better vision than Feng Yan?

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