Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1856 I Didn't Expect Such a Coincidence

What Feng Wei fabricated was all obtained from his identity information.

The Feng family is an upstart in Guan City and bought a private jet.

However, Guan City is far away from here. After the end of the world, human beings are also hiding everywhere. Unless they are relatively well-known people, their identity information is useless.

This also allowed her to take advantage of the loophole and forge a false identity.

Hearing what she said sounded good, Huo Xiaoliang and Qin Zhe were dubious and planned to check it out later.

Huo Xiaoliang took out a bag of biscuits and a bottle of water from the back backpack and handed them to Feng Wei, "Here."

"Thank you!" Feng Wei happened to feel a little hungry.

She was not hypocritical, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of water, then tore open the biscuits and ate them.

While eating, she used her mental power to mobilize her optical brain.

He was going to use the optical brain to decipher the confidential information in the information network of the southern province to see if he could find Huo Xiaoliang's identity. Who knew that the optical brain suddenly shut down due to insufficient energy.

Feng Wei was speechless, it was enough to turn off the phone at a critical moment.

What's even more speechless is that the storage earrings she specially used to store important items, such as power stones and laser guns, fell into the space storm.

We can only search on this life star later to see if there are energy stones to supplement the energy of the light brain.

She looked down at the ring on her index finger and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this was not lost, and with this, she would not be hungry in a short time.

When Feng Wei bowed his head to eat the biscuits, Qin Zhe got up and went back to the car first.

After coming back for a while, he nodded to Huo Xiaoliang cryptically, obviously what Feng Wei said matched his identity information.

Although the whole country is basically disconnected from the Internet, their military still has a special method, which can call the identity information network of Xianan Province.

If it wasn't such a coincidence, they wouldn't be able to confirm it carefully, but it doesn't mean that they should completely eliminate their defenses.

There was no big problem with his identity. He also felt that he understood Feng Wei who was wearing a space suit. His family might think it was safer to wear this.

In fact, this is the automatic protective suit that Feng Wei turned on when the mech was damaged and crashed to this planet. It is not the so-called aviation suit, it is much more advanced.

Qin Zhe sat down and said to Feng Wei: "What are your plans for the future?"

Feng Wei didn't know what to do, so let's take it one step at a time, anyway, he has to find a way to go home anyway.

"I don't know, let's go to the Nancheng Base first." She replied.

Qin Zhe thought for a while and asked, "Go to Nancheng base to find family members?"

Feng Wei's eyes darkened, and he said after a while, "I don't really want to look for it anymore."

She found out that the real Feng Wei had a stepmother and stepsister, and that Feng Wei lived on campus or in an apartment outside most of the year, which showed that the relationship between them was rather cold.

She added, "I was pushed off the helicopter."

This explains why she didn't really want to look for it, otherwise, after going to the Nancheng base, it would be troublesome for these people to help her find her so-called relatives.

If it happened that people from the Feng family really went to the Nancheng base, then they would be exposed.

Qin Zhe has investigated Feng Wei's identity information, and naturally knows her situation.

Thinking of what he found again, he sighed and said, "Actually, you may not be able to find it if you want to. I just received news that a helicopter may have been attacked by a mutant bird at a distance of more than 100 kilometers from here." attack, and crashed, exactly the one in your family."

The helicopter had already exploded, and all the people on it were killed, but from the model fragments on the fuselage, the military found out that it happened to be the one purchased by Guan Shifeng's family.

Feng Wei was stunned, she really didn't expect such a coincidence that the helicopter of the Feng family would pass by here and crashed, so her identity can be considered confirmed, could it be that this is destined?

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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