Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1859 Who would have thought that it was an overlord flower

Huo Xiaoliang and the others didn't expect the woman to do such a thing, even her brother was surprised.

It's just that she moved too fast, and her hands had already landed on Feng Wei's body, so it was too late to rescue her.

Just when Huo Xiaoliang quickly released the supernatural power and bombarded the zombies around Feng Wei, she saw her suddenly put the shovel on the ground, and with the help of the shovel, she jumped up and quickly avoided the hands grabbed by the zombies .

Huo Xiaoliang's lightning also fell on several zombies, killing them.

The woman didn't expect to let Feng Wei dodge twice, she was secretly hating, but suddenly Feng Wei grabbed her arm, and then rushed towards the group of zombies in front.

The reason why Feng Wei yelled on purpose, and let others take the initiative to harm himself before seeing the woman, was to pave the way for the present.

"Ah, what are you doing?" She couldn't help screaming in fright.

Feng Wei didn't answer, and rushed towards the group of zombies while using a shovel to open the way.

This kind of action also made everyone present bewildered, not knowing what she was going to do.

Soon Feng Wei gave them the answer. After more than a dozen zombies surrounded her, she threw the woman she was dragging into the group of zombies.

"Ah, don't, ah!" The woman didn't expect revenge to come so quickly, how dare this woman do this?

She is a water-type supernatural being, and she has no attack power at all. She mainly relied on her brother to escape all the way. Surrounded by more than a dozen zombies, she was bitten to death without any suspense.

Before she died, she regretted her bad intentions, she should not have attacked Feng Wei.

She and Feng Wei have no enmity, but she is jealous that Feng Wei is much prettier than her. She wants to follow Huo Xiaoliang, but the other party ignores her.

So when she saw the zombies rushing towards her just now, she immediately felt evil, but she didn't expect to kill herself instead.

"Sister!" The man never expected that Feng Wei would deliberately throw his sister into the crowd of zombies.

Not to mention him, even Huo Xiaoliang and others didn't expect that this revenge was really fast and ruthless.

At first I thought it was a gorgeous delicate flower, but who would have thought that it would be a domineering flower.

Then they saw Feng Wei swinging the shovel quickly and fiercely, and headshot the dozens of zombies that immediately surrounded her.

"Damn, it's so fierce." Qin Zhe and the others couldn't help swallowing.

After the end of the world, women, the elderly, and children are all classified as weak. Even a woman with supernatural powers can be regarded as very powerful if she can deal with three or four zombies by herself.

But when they saw this beautiful woman, they killed more than a dozen of them in one go, and even killed one person.

Looking at the woman who had been bitten beyond recognition on the ground, they didn't know whether to say it was their own fault or that Feng Wei was too cruel.

When Feng Wei took care of the last two zombies, the man rushed towards Feng Wei whose back was turned to him, and swung the steel pipe at the back of her head, obviously wanting to avenge his sister.

Even though he knew that her sister was the one who wanted to harm someone first, he felt that Feng Wei had already avoided it after all, so why would he throw his sister away? It was too much.

Especially since he is still a murderer who escaped from prison, he is selfish and thinks that everything happens is the fault of others.

Feng Wei immediately sensed the murderous intent from behind. She quickly dealt with the two zombies and turned her head to see the hatred in the man's eyes.

Visually assessing the strength of the steel pipe that has hit him, if he can't avoid it, his brain may explode.

When she turned around, the steel pipe was only about ten centimeters away.

Then, under the worried and nervous eyes of a dozen people, Feng Wei raised his foot one step faster and kicked the man down.

The man was not reconciled to being kicked over, so he got up and continued to attack her.

Feng Wei was really disgusted by this pair of siblings. When the other party rushed over again, she reached out and grabbed the other party's neckline, and then threw it forward with all her strength.

"Ah!" There were several screams, and the people present saw that the man was thrown into the group of zombies that were still besieging the community ahead.

His voice and life were quickly drowned in the roar of the zombies.

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