Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1862 is more challenging

After taking out the things, Feng Wei also took off the protective clothing on his body.

She was wearing a short sleeve and jeans, and went to the management office with two bags of food.

As soon as he got out of the alley, he was watched by people, but those people didn't dare to move.

There are regulations in the Nancheng base that looting incidents are not allowed in the city, otherwise they will be expelled from the city.

After asking about the route, Feng Wei walked to the management office about twenty minutes later.

Feng Wei's appearance quickly attracted the attention of people around him.

There is no way she is too attractive, one is that she is too glamorous and beautiful, and the other is that she is carrying a bag that looks like food.

The management office is responsible for registering soldiers who are also soldiers of the military. He looked at Feng Wei and said, "Are you going to exchange points?"

"Well, let's see how much these two bags can be exchanged for." Feng Wei put the two bags on the table.

The person in charge opened it and took a look, showing a look of surprise. He didn't expect such a delicate and beautiful girl to get such two bags of high-quality food.

The management of the base is still relatively strict, so he reported the actual number, "Cornmeal can be exchanged for 60 points, and sweet potatoes can be exchanged for 40 points, which is exactly 100 points. Do you want to exchange it?"

"Change." Feng Wei knew that the price was reasonable.

The person in charge took out a magnetic card from the drawer and gave it to her, "There are exactly 100 points in it, and you can use this to recharge directly when you redeem points in the future, and you can directly use the card for consumption."

Other places have already cut off power, but the Nancheng base will supply electricity regularly every day. This kind of magnetic card is somewhat similar to the meal card of the university in the past, and it can be charged and swiped with electronic devices.

The person in charge reminded: "Real-name registration is not possible for the point card now, so those who have the card must keep it well, and don't allow it to be stolen or robbed."

"Okay, thank you." Feng Wei took the card, and went to the office next to it that specializes in renting houses.

In the end, it cost fifty points to rent a one-bedroom house, and she went straight to the residence after getting the key.

After leaving the management office, she found that many people followed her.

She deliberately entered an alley, as if she wanted to take a shortcut.

Sure enough, she was blocked. These people didn't dare to rob her openly, so they used all kinds of threats and lures, and some people wanted to take advantage of her.

But soon Feng Wei came out of the alley, and those who hadn't gone up to the alley immediately went to look at the alley, and saw that the people who wanted to grab the points card were lying on the ground with bruises and swollen faces.

Feng Wei went to the residence, the room card she got was on the sixth floor, the elevator stopped long ago, and she had to climb up by herself.

Open the door, the layout inside is very simple, but there are sofas and beds.

There were blankets and other things in her space, and she took them out to arrange them.

I tried to look at the terminal again and there was still no signal, the optical brain had no power, and I couldn't contact my family at all. It seemed that it was impossible for her to go home in a short time.

In all likelihood, if you want to go home, you have to build your own spaceship that can navigate in space.

She mainly studied manufacturing in the battle school. In addition to mechs, she also learned the manufacturing of weapons, flying saucers, spaceships, etc., and her family's training, her level in this area is not low.

It's just that the technology of this life star is so backward, it may be difficult to build a spaceship capable of navigating the universe, after all, materials are a problem.

There is another way, that is, she looks for materials, finds energy stones or similar substitutes, builds a relatively high-end signal connector, and then tries to see if she can use the optical brain to contact Dad.

No matter which path to take, it is more challenging, and it can be regarded as a new life experience after living such a big life. Apart from being afraid that her family will worry about her, she has a kind of casual and peaceful indifference.

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