Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1868 This Heart Is Really Big

Just when everyone thought that this person would be caught by the Zombie Rat, a gunshot sounded, and the Zombie Rat fell to the ground.

Huo Xiaoliang stood on the second floor and jumped down after shooting.

Other people who had been resting also walked out of the door one after another, facing more and more zombie rats that jumped into the yard.

They fought with guns, but apart from Feng Wei, only Huo Xiaoliang was more accurate, and it was the gun that made the zombie rat headshot.

Others can only use abilities to fight.

Slowly getting used to the speed of the zombie rats, with the help of Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang's guns, they wiped out all the more than 30 zombie rats that ran in.

The few supernatural beings who were almost caught were all terrified, "It's so scary."

After the end of the world, many humans have become zombies, and besides normal and mutated animals, many animals have also become zombies.

And as the Earth's atmosphere and energies change, they become stronger and stronger.

These zombie rats are ugly and disgusting to look at.

Qin Zhe said to several people: "Dig out the crystal nucleus."

More than a month ago, everyone discovered that crystal nuclei appeared in the brains of zombies and zombie animals.

However, there are no ordinary zombies, and zombies above level 1 are required.

At the same time, it was discovered that after absorbing these crystal nuclei, the supernatural beings could improve their abilities, so in addition to materials in the base, the crystal nuclei gradually became a hard currency.

That's why there are third-level supernatural beings among human beings, and the third-level ability is currently considered the most advanced existence.

In their team, only Huo Xiaoliang is a third-level ability user, the others are second-level, and the two people with special abilities are only first-level.

Feng Wei has used the ability in public, and when she signed up, she filled in the second-level metal ability. In fact, she is already at the third level.

After the zombie rat died, she walked to the previous bonfire and used a piece of wood to dig out the sweet potatoes that had been thrown in.

She took out a box of disposable gloves from her backpack, pulled out two and put them on her hands, picked up a sweet potato, and she slowly peeled it open and ate it.

Sure enough, it is sweet and glutinous, delicious.

After taking a sip, she looked up and everyone present looked at her with incredible eyes, and asked with a chuckle, "Do you want to eat?"

"..." The corners of their mouths twitched, and they didn't know if this woman was a big one or a pervert. After going through a thrilling battle, a lot of zombie rats died beside her, and she actually went to eat barbecue at the first time. sweet potato.

This heart is really big.

Huo Xiaoliang walked over and sat down, pulled two disposable gloves from the box and put them on, took one, peeled it off and took a bite.

He was a little surprised, "It tastes really good."

This is the sweetest and stickiest sweet potato he has ever eaten.

These sweet potatoes were brought out from the farm by Feng Wei. The soil was nourished by the magic vines and energy stones, and the taste of the grown ones was not generally good, with a small amount of aura.

She didn't bring out many sweet potatoes, but she made a lot of soil and packed them into space rings, so I can give birth to them later.

At this moment, Zhuang Yi, who had walked out the door since the Zombie Rat appeared, but just looked at with arms folded, walked over.

The young assistant hurriedly wiped it on a stone before he sat down.

He was also polite, and also pulled on two gloves, picked up a sweet potato, opened it and bit the flesh inside.

He was also a little surprised by the special sweet and glutinous taste, looked sideways at Feng Wei and said, "This is an improved variety."

Feng Wei felt that this person was probably involved in a wide range of material research, "That's right."

The three of them ate sweet potatoes as if nothing had happened. The others stared blankly at first, and then Qin Zhe and Su Tong also walked over and sat down one after another, picking up sweet potatoes to eat.

Then they were all amazed, "It's delicious."

Others also reacted when they saw this, and stepped forward one after another to try whether it was really that delicious.

It's a pity that Feng Wei only took out a few, and only three people grabbed them. After tasting them, they were full of praise, "What kind of fairy sweet potato is this, how can it be so delicious?"

The other people who had never eaten looked at Feng Wei with resentment on their faces, but she ignored it.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ I will update tomorrow at 12 noon, I will try to start a stable update time~~~

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