Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 188 Unprecedented Opportunity

The Xia family's pharmaceutical company also gained a foothold because of her parents.

In addition, it was originally a small business, and no special new medicine was researched, and the profit could not reach the eyes of the big family, so it survived.

Xia Ruo has a lot of prescriptions in her hands that she wants to use in practice. Before, she also thought about whether to find a pharmaceutical company to cooperate with, and now it's just right for Feng Yi to deliver them to her door.

The characters of the Feng family are relatively good. This is Xia Ruo's conclusion after getting in touch with him. She is quite relieved to cooperate with him, Feng Yi.

It just happens that not only can you save the rent of the supermarket, but you can also earn a lot of profits every year, killing two birds with one stone!

Xia Ruo was still not used to using mouthwash every day, so she asked with a smile, "Does Second Brother's pharmaceutical company want to sell toothpaste?"

"Toothpaste?" Feng Yi asked, "Did you mean the mouthwash kind?"

Xia Ruo checked that after the ancient earth was in crisis, the formula of toothpaste was gradually lost. In addition, during that dark period, human beings had to contend with nature and alien beasts. For the sake of speed and convenience, mouthwash was used instead of toothpaste, and it has been passed down to this day.

Xia Ruo nodded: "It's about the same, but toothpaste is better than mouthwash, and it can also have many effects."

"Such as clearing fire and reducing inflammation, preventing or relieving gum swelling, inflammation, bleeding gums, getting angry, ulcers, repairing mucosal damage, nourishing gums and improving periodontal health, etc., the mouth can also be fresher."

Feng Yi suddenly became interested, "This is interesting, do you know the formula of toothpaste?"

"I know!" Xia Ruo smiled and said, "This is actually something that people used to rinse their mouths in the ancient earth period, but it's lost now."

"Okay! Our company doesn't produce mouthwash, but we can launch the toothpaste you mentioned. It sounds very effective!"

Gum inflammation and other problems are encountered by many people, especially those with supernatural powers. Frequent consumption of the energy in the alien beast will cause them to get angry. If there is toothpaste that can solve this problem, the market will definitely be very broad.

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "I will sort out some ointment formulas for you tomorrow. For medicinal materials, it is best to use better quality ones, so that the curative effect will be faster and better."

Feng Yi hooked his lips, "I heard that your farm grows a lot of medicinal herbs, how about we cooperate again?"

The vegetables and fruits of Xiaruo Farm can taste so delicious, and the quality of medicinal materials will definitely not be bad.

"The amount of medicinal materials on my farm is limited. If the toothpaste is launched and the business is good, it will definitely not be available."

"However, you can provide part of it to the second brother's company, and then you can make higher-end products, targeting different buying groups."

This can benefit both the people and make money.

Xia Ruo is not the Holy Mother either. Although she wants to benefit the public, it doesn't mean that she has to make selfless contributions and sell products in several grades. There are all grades, which is more conducive to opening up and stabilizing the market.

Feng Yi immediately made a decision, "This is a good relationship!"

"But in the early days, I'm afraid you need to go to the company for guidance!"

He said truthfully: "To tell you the truth, I have just established this pharmaceutical company. There are relatively few pharmacists and not many high-level pharmacists. I am afraid that they will not be able to prepare the prescriptions."

This is also something that can't be helped. He was involved in this industry late, and he is not as deep-rooted as other big pharmaceutical companies, and it is even more difficult to find talents.

If it weren't for his strong background, it would be almost impossible to start and gain a foothold.

The medicines and medicines developed by the company are not competitive compared with other big companies, and they are still at a loss. If toothpaste is used to open up the market, it will be an unprecedented opportunity.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~~

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