Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1881 Not Good News

Early the next morning, everyone helped Feng Wei pack up the tent and sleeping bag, and continued on their way after eating something.

After walking for a while, I found that the two groups of people behind were still following, but I felt that there were a lot of people missing. It seemed that the battle last night was also intense.

The further southeast you go, everyone finds that the mutated animals are getting stronger and stronger, and even bigger in size.

For example, a tiger I encountered was as big as an elephant, and it even had the ability to attack with ice picks.

Fortunately, Huo Xiaoliang reacted quickly and blocked the ice pick first, otherwise one of them would die here.

After beheading the third-level mutant tiger, Huo Xiaoliang approached and looked at its corpse, "I didn't expect that mutant animals also have supernatural powers. This is not good news for us."

Zhuang Yi also squatted down to take a closer look, and dug out the mutant tiger's heart and put it in a glass bottle. He wanted to take it back to the research institute for research, "It's not good news for all human beings, and I don't know if the zombies will Will also gradually have supernatural powers."

Although mutant beasts also threaten the survival of human beings, most of them are active in the mountains and forests. Now the biggest enemy of human beings is zombies.

Huo Xiaoliang sighed, "I think high-level zombies may also develop supernatural powers, and this matter must be reported as soon as possible."

Zhuang Yi also somewhat agreed, "Well, you report to the military, and I report to Beijing Research Institute."

They come from different families and belong to different factions, but there is no conflict for the time being.

Going forward, the role of those two people with special abilities will be greater.

Everyone avoided many dangers, and the two groups of people who followed followed suit.

Qin Zhe said unhappily: "It's really cheap for them."

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Huo Xiaoliang only said four words.

There are many mutated beasts and mutated plants blocking the way, and the battle takes time and energy.

There were even two supernatural beings who followed, and they were swallowed by a boa constrictor inadvertently.

Feng Wei found that there was something wrong with the two people who were swallowed, and their motives for following into the mountain were not pure, so Huo Xiaoliang ignored it, so she pretended not to see it.

In a team, the most feared encounter is the inner ghost who is holding back.

At night, everyone snuggled into Feng Wei's tent again.

That night, he was also attacked by a group of wealthy wolves, but after Huo Xiaoliang was successfully promoted to the fourth-level ability user, he was able to destroy him without any casualties.

Seeing his unleashed Level 4 Thunder and Lightning ability, several people changed their faces.

The two groups of people following behind were also attacked, and their numbers continued to decrease drastically.

On the third day, the group finally entered the target range.

Zhuang Yi took the unopened box from the young man, and took out a palm-sized machine similar to a detector.

"Sure enough, there are fluctuations of different energy here, which should be the reason why this forest mutant beast mutates faster and stronger than the outside."

Huo Xiaoliang asked: "Is this energy harmful to the human body?"

Zhuang Yi took the instrument and flicked it, "No toxic substances have been detected, but we can't rule out the possibility of radiation."

Feng Wei's eyes fell on Zhuang Yi's detector, and she found that it was really low-end, and she couldn't even detect whether there was radiation.

Listening to the two people's guessing, she said: "This thing is harmless to humans, and it doesn't emit radiation. Maybe it will help the promotion of supernatural powers."

After she walked in here, she already felt it. There was energy fluctuation in front of the energy stone, and the level was not very high, just c level.

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