Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1888 Accident Happened

Zhuang Yi looked at the five people surrounding him and smiled disdainfully.

"Only by you?"

Not to mention that these five people hid quite well, they only jumped out now.

One of them took out a badge and showed it to Zhuang Yi, "We are also ordered by our superiors to bring back minerals and meteorites, and we hope that Dr. Zhuang will cooperate."

This is a post-apocalyptic military rank awarded to some individuals by the military to recruit some supernatural beings.

What this person took out was a second lieutenant badge.

Zhuang Yi raised his eyebrows: "A second lieutenant also wants to ask me for something, so shouldn't I give the things to the major Huo Xiaoliang, isn't he more qualified?"

"Dr. Zhuang is a smart man, you should know that we don't belong to the Huo family." The man frowned, this Zhuang Yi was too ignorant.

They can also be regarded as members of the military, but they belong to another force, and the side they rely on happens to be fighting fiercely with the Huo family.

Naturally, Huo Xiaoliang couldn't be allowed to take the credit for this.

Zhuang Yi shrugged, "Threats are what I dislike the most."

Then his eyes became ruthless, and he directly launched a spiritual attack on the five people.

Zhuang Yi's ability has always been hidden, and only Huo Xiaoliang and Feng Wei found out in the team, so these five people thought that he was a space ability with no offensive power, and didn't think about spiritual power at all.

The five of them squatted down with their heads in their hands at the same time, and their brains went blank.

Qin Zhe and the others saw that he had already dealt with five people, so they didn't do anything more, but went forward to help Huo Xiaoliang and Feng Wei.

But after Zhuang Yi put away the silver boulder, Yaohua also found out, and couldn't help but go crazy again.

It had long regarded the energy stone as its own, but now that it suddenly disappeared, it couldn't help turning around and rushing towards Zhuang Yi and the others.

Huo Xiaoliang suddenly disappeared in place, turned into an afterimage and landed in front of the demon flower, moved his hands, and a hurricane swept it away.

Everyone present was stunned, apparently they did not expect Huo Xiaoliang to be a wind-type power user.

This mission has really gained a lot of insight. First, Feng Wei revealed his dual-element abilities, then Zhuang Yi, and now Huo Xiaoliang also revealed his second-element abilities.

Could it be that dual-line abilities are so worthless now? But it's obviously not easy to awaken a single element!

These three people are perverts, and they have completed the identification.

Yaohua opened her mouth wide and suddenly swallowed Hurricane into her mouth, consuming a lot of supernatural energy.

It couldn't find the energy stone, so it could only turn around and try to swallow Feng Weilai to replenish it.

Feng Wei had long been prepared for such a move, and used wood-type abilities to temporarily restrain it in place, and also used mental power to suppress it.

"Split it with lightning." She said to Huo Xiaoliang.

Huo Xiaoliang also had the same idea, gathering countless thunder and lightning to strike at the demon flower.

A strange scream came from the demon flower's mouth, and it gradually withered away, as if it had lost its vitality.

Huo Xiaoliang's ability was almost exhausted, so he stopped.

He and Feng Wei stepped forward, ready to check if the demon flower was dead.

Feng Wei felt that something was wrong, and when he approached, he was about to use the wood-type supernatural power to affect the demon flower.

Suddenly there was a strong thrust from behind, which was caused by a power-type supernatural being, and she couldn't help but fall towards the demon flower.

Huo Xiaoliang didn't expect that a teammate from his special team standing behind Feng Wei would do such a thing, he couldn't help reaching out to pull Feng Wei, and was led a few steps forward.

At this moment, the demon flower, which had no life breath, rushed towards the two of them suddenly, and opened its mouth to swallow them in.

It was afraid of being hunted by others, so it continued to charge straight, and finally fell off the cliff.

Everyone present was dumbfounded, obviously they never expected such an accident to happen.

Only now did I realize that this chapter was not posted, so I clicked it again, today’s update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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