Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1893 I must pay close attention to Wei Wei

After dinner, it was already dark, and the two rested in the cave.

Feng Wei kept taking out food from the space ring, which can be regarded as exposing the space, so it doesn't matter if there is more food.

Taking out two sleeping bags, she pointed to the bigger one and said to Huo Xiaoliang, "You sleep in this."

Huo Xiaoliang looked at the bigger sleeping bag and asked, "Can I sleep with Weiwei?"

"..." Feng Wei, with black lines all over his head, refused decisively, "No way."

"You are so old, you have to sleep by yourself." She walked into her bed and lay down.

"Okay." Huo Xiaoliang got into his own aggrieved.

Although the sleeping bag was very warm, he felt that sleeping with Weiwei in his arms would definitely be warmer, as she still smelled very good.

But she didn't want to make Feng Wei unhappy, so she curled up into a ball and closed his eyes.

Feng Wei has been observing Huo Xiaoliang with his mental strength, seeing that his expression and movements really don't seem to be pretending, so he gradually fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Feng Wei was awakened by a scent.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the entrance of the cave. Huo Xiaoliang fried omelette and put it in a stone bowl, still cooking porridge.

"Wei Wei, you're awake, you can come over for breakfast." Huo Xiaoliang turned and waved to Feng Wei while bathing in the sun.

Feng Wei looked at him with a bright and innocent smile, just like the bright sunshine shining in the cave.

The smile on her face deepened, "Okay!"

After walking out of the cave, she washed up first, and then she went back to have dinner with Huo Xiaoliang.

Both porridge and egg pancakes are delicious, she couldn't help saying: "Huo Xiaoliang, you really have the potential to be a good husband."

As soon as she thought of the food outside, she felt hopeless.

This guy wants to spoil her stomach, and she can't go back to eat the meal cooked by grandma and mother, what should she do?

Huo Xiaoliang tilted his head and smiled and asked, "Wei Wei, what is a good husband?"

Feng Wei said with a smile: "Whoever marries you in the future will be happier. The food you cook is delicious."

Huo Xiaoliang seemed to think about it, got up and sat next to Feng Wei to squeeze, "Wei Wei, then when I grow up, you can marry me."

Feng Wei turned her head and met his clear and serious eyes. This guy lost his aloofness, unexpectedly he was still a little sunny and cute.

She couldn't help stretching out her hand and pinching his face, "What a beautiful idea!"

Huo Xiaoliang pursed his lips, with a look of disappointment on his face, "Wei Wei, don't you like me?"

Feng Wei felt as if he was really bullying a child, "You are still young, let's talk about it when you grow up."

I don't know if this guy recovers in the future, thinking about what happened today, will he want to go back to the furnace and rebuild it again.

"Okay, then I will work hard to grow up." Huo Xiaoliang added in his heart, and then married Wei Wei.

After eating, Feng Wei searched again, and found that it was really impossible to get out of the valley, so he looked up at the cliff.

"Huo Xiaoliang, let's climb the mountain and go out."

Huo Xiaoliang also looked up at the cliff, "Wei Wei, can we climb up this high?"

Feng Wei said confidently: "Yes, hold on to me later."

Huo Xiaoliang was a little worried, but still nodded: "Okay."

Soon her hands moved, countless green light spots fell on the cliff, and soon strips of vines continued to grow and fell from above.

Feng Wei reached out and grabbed Huo Xiaoliang's hand, "Grab it, let's go up."

"Well, I must hold on to Wei Wei." Huo Xiaoliang grabbed Feng Wei with one hand, and imitated her to grab a vine with the other, and stepped on the cliff to climb up.

Although he has no memory of adulthood, his body's instinctive reaction is still there, so not only did he not drag Feng Wei back, but he still pulled Feng Wei up, saving her a lot of effort.

Continue at 14 o'clock~~

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