Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1902 The most important thing

The dinner is relatively rich, with four dishes and one soup.

Qin Zhe ate the food made by the boss, and felt that it was the first time he had eaten the dishes made by the boss after so many years of friendship.

Not to mention, the boss's cooking skills are really good.

He hadn't eaten such a normal meal for several months, and couldn't help but look at Feng Wei and sigh, "The meat and vegetables taste really delicious."

It seems to be a good choice to form an alliance with her to do the task.

"Of course, I went to collect it." Feng Wei was very glad that he went to the farms and pastures to sweep around. Whether it was vegetables or meat, they all had a bit of aura, so it's not surprising that they were not fresh.

"How is your cooking?" She looked up at Qin Zhe curiously.

"Ahem." Qin Zhe coughed dryly, "I'm good at eating, and cooking is the kind of food I can eat."

He is different from the boss, he is very casual about his life, and he basically orders takeaway at home during holidays.

The boss doesn't like to eat takeaway, so he went to learn how to cook, and usually cooks by himself when he is alone at home, so it's no wonder that the food is so delicious.

It's a pity that he hasn't eaten it before, the boss really values ​​sex over friends.

After eating, Feng Wei asked Qin Zhe to clean up and wash up.

Huo Xiaoliang didn't want to leave at night, but Feng Wei only had one room here, so he was reluctantly pulled back by Qin Zhe to live there.

In the early morning, Huo Xiaoliang opened his eyes and got up.

And use a special communication telegram to contact his people at the Kyoto base, as well as the old man.

Seeing the telegram sent back, he was even more sure of his decision not to go back for the time being, and his eyes fell on a line of words.

He knocked on the door of Qin Zhe's room next to him.

Because of fear of accidents, Qin Zhe lived in the house allocated to Huo Xiaoliang for the past two days.

Opening the door, Qin Zhe knew that his boss was back when he saw the people outside the door, "Is there something wrong with the boss?"

"I got in touch with the people in Kyoto. Recently, the third generation of the Huo family has been in turmoil. The old man asked me to stay outside for a while before going back."

Huo Xiaoliang paused and said: "The test results of the meteorite and minerals brought back by Zhuang Yi have come out. The meteorite contains energy that can cause corpses. The General Research Institute wants to collect more research to see if it can be cracked." , to develop vaccines or anti-detox agents."

"That kind of silver ore has been proved to have the energy that can increase the strength level of supernatural beings. Someone from the research institute suggested that this kind of stone can also be used to build some instruments. Let's see if we can use this to try to instill more high-level ability user."

"This news was quickly leaked out, and now besides the military, dark organizations are also looking for meteorites and this mineral."

"The old man also means that we don't have to do the task of the Nanshi base anymore, and the search for meteorites and minerals is the top priority."

Qin Zhe had seen the energy of the ore absorbed by the demon flower before, and with what Feng Wei said, he guessed the function of the ore.

"Boss, Feng Wei also wants to find that kind of ore for his own use. If we find it together at the time, will we still snatch it?" He felt that this was a bit difficult, after all, he had already agreed to cooperate and form a team.

The most important thing is that the second personality of the boss is too clingy and indulgent without principle.

Huo Xiaoliang thought for a while and said, "Why do you want to grab it? At that time, we can each share a share. We will take the share back to the Kyoto base for research, and Feng Wei can do whatever she wants."

This is what Feng Wei said to Qin Zhe before, if you find them, you can share them together.

Then he changed the topic: "And I always feel that it's not that easy for her to find that ore, so let's see if there are other uses for it."

He could feel that Feng Wei was quite familiar with that mineral.

Continue at 13 o'clock~

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